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Kim Kardashian's daughter North West, 10, receives a STANDING OVATION as she makes her acting debut as Simba in Disney's The Lion King at the star-studded Hollywood Bowl concert – as Kanye West and Kris Jenner leads family members in audience

Kim Kardashian's daughter North West, 10, receives a STANDING OVATION as she makes her acting debut as Simba in Disney's The Lion King at the star-studded Hollywood Bowl concert – as Kanye West and Kris Jenner leads family members in audience


The “circle of life” represents a proud moment for Kanye West as a father.

The Grammy Award winner, 46, supported his 10-year-old daughter, North West, on Friday as she made her acting debut in The Lion King's 30th anniversary concert at the Hollywood Bowl.

He was spotted stepping out in a white hoodie as he arrived to watch the concert live on film, which also featured Jennifer Hudson, Billy Eichner, Nathan Lane, Jeremy Irons and more.

North's “grandma” Kris Jenner was also there to show her support, stepping out in an ankle-length animal print coat.

Kourtney Kardashian and her husband Travis Barker were also at the show.

Kanye West supported his 10-year-old daughter North West on Friday as she made her singing debut at The Lion King's 30th anniversary concert at the Hollywood Bowl.

Kanye West supported his 10-year-old daughter North West on Friday as she made her singing debut at The Lion King's 30th anniversary concert at the Hollywood Bowl.

North received a standing ovation when he took the stage

She performed

North received a standing ovation when she took the stage to perform “I Just Can't Wait to Be King” from Walt Disney's 1994 animated film.

The Elementary School Dropout performer donned a much more relaxed version of the usual Broadway costumes

The Elementary School Dropout performer donned a much more relaxed version of the usual Broadway costumes

Kim Kardashian appeared to support the budding starlet from backstage, sharing photos to her Instagram Story from North's dressing room.

The proud mum, 43, posted snaps of their all-access passes on lanyards, as well as character-inspired cupcakes.

She also thanked Kris, 68, and her grandmother Mary Jo 'MJ' Campbell for sending flowers and sharing a video of the orange arrangements.

North received a standing ovation when she took the stage to perform “I Just Can't Wait to Be King” from Walt Disney's 1994 animated film.

The Elementary School Dropout performer donned a much more casual version of the usual Broadway costumes, sporting a yellow hoodie and matching shorts with a fuzzy hood and slippers.

She was announced as part of the cast earlier this month when a poster debuted for the two-night event.

North's acting debut came after announcing her debut album Elementary School Dropout in March, a nod to her father's 2004 debut The College Dropout.

The preteen was also featured on Vultures 1's “Talking/Once Again,” Ye's collaborative album with Ty Dolla $ign.

The track made North one of the youngest artists to ever chart on the Billboard Hot 100, debuting at No. 30 in February.

North's father, Kanye West, was spotted stepping out in a white hoodie as he arrived to attend the live concert and movie.

North's father, Kanye West, was spotted stepping out in a white hoodie as he arrived to attend the live concert and movie.

Brimming with confidence, the preteen wore a yellow hoodie and matching shorts with a fuzzy hood and slippers.

Brimming with confidence, the preteen wore a yellow hoodie and matching shorts with a fuzzy hood and slippers.

She was announced as part of the cast earlier this month when a poster debuted for the two-night event in Los Angeles.

She was announced as part of the cast earlier this month when a poster debuted for the two-night event in Los Angeles.

Her brown hair stuck out from under her hood in long braids.

Her brown hair stuck out from under her hood in long braids.

She killed choreography by successfully following the Broadway pros.

She killed choreography by successfully following the Broadway pros.

North's co-stars looked impressed as she performed her voice perfectly

North's co-stars looked impressed as she performed her voice perfectly

North could barely contain her smile as she looked at her family in the audience.

North could barely contain her smile as she looked at her family in the audience.

North's 'grandma' Kris Jenner was also there to show her support

She stepped out in an ankle-length animal print coat

North's “grandma” Kris Jenner was also there to show her support, stepping out in an ankle-length animal print coat.

Kourtney Kardashian and her husband Travis Barker were also at the show

Kourtney Kardashian and her husband Travis Barker were also at the show

The Hollywood Bowl is a huge amphitheater in Los Angeles with a capacity of 17,500 seats.

The Hollywood Bowl is a huge amphitheater in Los Angeles with a capacity of 17,500 seats.

Kim Kardashian appeared to support the budding starlet from behind the scenes, sharing photos to her Instagram Story from North's dressing room.

Kim Kardashian appeared to support the budding starlet from behind the scenes, sharing photos to her Instagram Story from North's dressing room.

The proud mum, 43, posted snaps of her all-access passes on lanyards, as well as character-inspired cupcakes.

The proud mum, 43, posted snaps of her all-access passes on lanyards, as well as character-inspired cupcakes.

She also thanked Kris, 68, and her grandmother Mary Jo 'MJ' Campbell for sending flowers, sharing a video of the orange arrangements.

She also thanked Kris, 68, and her grandmother Mary Jo 'MJ' Campbell for sending flowers, sharing a video of the orange arrangements.

Although she made her acting debut Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl, North is no stranger to the stage;  pictured performing with Kanye in Miami in December

Although she made her acting debut Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl, North is no stranger to the stage; pictured performing with Kanye in Miami in December

She has performed live with Kanye several times at various album release events for Vultures 1, including in Miami in December (pictured) and Paris in February.

She has performed live with Kanye several times at various album release events for Vultures 1, including in Miami in December (pictured) and Paris in February.

Although she made her acting debut Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl, North is no stranger to the stage, thanks to her collaborations with her father.

She has performed live with Kanye several times at various album release events for Vultures 1, including in Miami in December and Paris in February.

The rising musical artist – along with siblings Chicago, six, and Psalm, five – also joined their dad on stage at the Rolling Loud Festival in California last March.

North opened up about his love of singing on the cover of iD last October, explaining that “acting is my favorite thing” and that the passion comes “mostly from me…and then a little bit from my dad.”

When asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, North said “a rapper, a basketball player, and I'm going to create art that I sell.”

“Also, one day I want to own Yeezy and SKIMS, and I want to be a business owner,” North added.

Kim and Kanye were married from 2014 to 2022, sharing North Psalm, Saint, 8, Chicago, 6, and 5.




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