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Furiosa Tanks Have Lowest Memorial Day Weekend Opening in More Than Decades | Hollywood box office figures revealed | Hollywood

Furiosa Tanks Have Lowest Memorial Day Weekend Opening in More Than Decades |  Hollywood box office figures revealed |  Hollywood


The US Memorial Day weekend box office chart opened up to the latest Hollywood premieres of various varieties with George Miller revisiting the prequel landscape of his multi-Oscar winning film Mad Max: Fury Road and Chris Pratt finding yet another iconic animated character from most of our childhoods to create. his own.

Anya Taylor-Joy in a photo from Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.
Anya Taylor-Joy in a photo from Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Miller's new directorial romp through the stark desert is going head-to-head with The Garfield Movie. While the former grossed $10.2 million on Friday at 3,804 theaters, Garfield grossed $8.4 million at 4,035 locations. The cumulative weekend score already pushes the estimate to an all-time low ($31 million to $33 million over the four-day extension) Memorial Day weekend gross. This would be in line with Casper's $22.5 million opening nearly three decades ago, in 1995.

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In addition to Furiosa and Garfield's synonymous gains, each of them also earned a B+ CinemaScore.

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Furiosa, the Mad Max Saga prequel, Anya Taylor-Joy takes the lead as a younger version of Charlize Theron's character from the original film. Contrary to recently released figures, this project was initially expected to gross between $40 million and $45 million over the four-day Memorial Day weekend. Additionally, the film will also be beaten by the last film in the franchise, as Fury Road kicked off this dusty adventure with a three-day box office haul of $45.4 million.

Other Movies and Weekend Box Office Estimate Statistics

John Krasinski's multi-starrer IF is in third place with its estimated Memorial Day weekend gross expected to hit the $20.7 million mark from 4,068 theaters. Although it competes with Garfield as a family package, it firmly maintains its position.

On the other side of the planet, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is being screened in 3,550 theaters. It ranks fourth with its estimated four-day collection bringing in between $15.5 million and $16 million for Disney and the 20th Century.

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Fall Guy's estimated three-day figures fell 32%, a significantly less threatening decline despite the film now being available digitally. Claiming No. 5 in the rankings, the film that brought together the best of the best from the Oppenheimer showdown is expected to gross $7.3 million from 2,955 theaters over the four-day weekend.

Notably, the theater scene has not warmed up sufficiently since the end of last year's strikes. The movie craze hasn't quite returned yet, but with Marvel and Disney colliding and agreeing to drop major F-bombs, all hopes are pinning on Deadpool & Wolverine's theatrical premiere on July 26, which will hopefully end the swarming. armies of fans across fandoms.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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