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The Blue Crab Festival returns | Palatka Daily News, Palatka, Florida

The Blue Crab Festival returns |  Palatka Daily News, Palatka, Florida


Downtown Palatka and the riverfront were filled with people having fun Friday during one of the area's biggest events.

The Palatka Blue Crab Festival began Friday at 6 p.m. and will continue today at noon and 10 p.m. and Sunday at noon and 9 p.m.

Vendor stands selling a wide range of products stretch along St. Johns Avenue from Seventh Street to Riverfront Park at 100 Memorial Parkway.

Blue crab, seafood, sweet treats and other foods are available along the river, while carnival rides and games are held further into the park.

SARAH CAVACINI/Palatka Daily News People spend time with family and friends at Riverfront Park Friday while listening to Justin Lee Partin sing during the first day of the Palatka Blue Crab Festival.
SARAH CAVACINI/Palatka Daily News People spend time with family and friends at Riverfront Park Friday while listening to Justin Lee Partin sing during the first day of the Palatka Blue Crab Festival.

One of the biggest draws of the festival is the live music. People can relax in front of a festival stage with the Saint John River as a backdrop to admire the performers each day of the festival.

High Springs resident Justin Lee Partin, who performed with his band, made his time at the festival a family affair as his wife and two children made sure to get as close to the stage as possible.

For music fans who don't like country tunes, there's plenty of variety today and Sunday.

Hip hop star Trick Daddy will close out Saturday night when he takes the stage at 9 p.m. On Sunday, hip hop group 95 South will take the stage at 8:15 p.m. to close the festival.

Although many people are having fun, others are working behind the scenes to keep the festival orderly, safe, and clean.

SARAH CAVACINI/Palatka Daily News Emberly Partin, 2, dances to her father's music Friday night when he performs at the Blue Crab Festival.
SARAH CAVACINI/Palatka Daily News Emberly Partin, 2, dances to her father's music Friday night when he performs at the Blue Crab Festival.

Officers from the Palatka Police Department and deputies from the Putnam County Sheriff's Office will monitor the festival all weekend. Ancient City Entertainment owner and festival organizer Jeanetta Cebollero could be seen by the river, making sure the event went off without a hitch, and city workers were either driving golf carts or stationed to the St. Johns River Center to provide additional assistance.

Nicole Grace, executive director of Keep Putnam Beautiful, said she didn't plan to miss the festival.

Grace pulls double duty this weekend as a participant and dedicated servant of the public good. Grace, who said her date for the three-day event was a bright orange trash picker, can be seen around the festival all weekend picking up trash for, as her organization is called indicates, keep the area beautiful.

I think it's amazing, she said. It's a little hot, but that's summer. It's Florida. It's hot and you just accept it. I will be here every day.

For more information about the festival, including a list of artists, visit

Positively Putnam FL




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