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Darryl Hickman, child actor in The Grapes of Wrath, Leave Her to Heaven, dies at 92 102.3 KRMG

Darryl Hickman, child actor in The Grapes of Wrath, Leave Her to Heaven, dies at 92 102.3 KRMG
Darryl Hickman, child actor in The Grapes of Wrath, Leave Her to Heaven, dies at 92 102.3 KRMG


Darryl Hickman, a versatile child actor in the 1940s who appeared in Grapes of Wrath And Leave her in paradisedied May 22. He was 92 years old.

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The death of Hickman, who later played a supporting role to his younger brother Dwayne on television The Many Loves of Dobie Gilliswas announced in a press release by his family, The Washington Post reported.

Hickman made his first film appearance in The Prisoner of Zenda in 1937 and had a line of dialogue in If I Were King the following year, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He sang and tap danced in the 1939 film, The Star Maker.

At the age of 9, Hickman was one of 100 child actors who auditioned for the role of Winfield Joad, the youngest child of the poor Joad family led by Henry Fonda in the 1940 film, The Raisins of the House. anger, the Job reported.

Director John Ford said he cast Hickman because he was the only kid who didn't act like an actor, according to the newspaper.

In the 1945 noir thriller Leave Her to Heaven, Hickman played Danny Harland, the younger brother of Cornel Wildes' character, Weekly Entertainment reported. Danny is disabled by polio and comes to live with Richard, his older brother (Wilde), and his wife, Ellen (Gene Tierney).

The boy drowns in a lake while Tierney, jealous of her husband's affection for her brother, coldly watches him die, according to the entertainment news site.

After other roles, Hickman left acting in the early 1950s and briefly entered a monastery, the Job reported. He resurfaced on television later in the decade, appearing in episodes of Perry Mason, The Untouchables and Gunsmoke, according to the newspaper.

He joined his younger brother in three episodes of Dobie Gillis, playing an older brother.

Hickman later appeared in the 1976 film Network as a West Coast television executive and was a police officer who turns crooked in the 1981 film Sharkys Machine, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Darryl Gerard Hickman was born on July 28, 1931 in Los Angeles, Job reported.

He graduated from Cathedral High School in Los Angeles in 1948 and dated Elizabeth Taylor, according to The Hollywood Reporter. After his desire to become a monk waned, he left his monastery to enroll at Loyola University.

During the 1970s, he worked as a producer for the soap opera Love of Life and was head of CBS daytime programming for five years, the entertainment news site reported.

Hickman was married to actress Pamela Lincoln from 1960 to 1982, according to Weekly Entertainment. They had two sons; their youngest son, Justin, committed suicide in 1985, when he was 19.

During an appearance with other former child actors on a Turner Classic Movies panel discussion in 2006, Hickman said he was unprepared for life after his fame as a child actor, the Job reported.

I had 12 psychiatrists and it cost me $85,000 to be able to sit here with any degree of sanity, Hickman said at the time.




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