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Nick Park helps win North Hollywood Division I baseball title

Nick Park helps win North Hollywood Division I baseball title


North Hollywood Highs junior second baseman Nick Park left the first base line at Dodger Stadium for the awards ceremony Saturday afternoon following his team's 3-1 victory over Banning in eight innings in the City Section Division I championship game. His bleached blonde hair and smile told the story after his second triple and third hit of the game broke a 1-1 tie.

Incredible, incredible, he said.

North Hollywood received a strong pitching performance from Maxwell Koster, who allowed two hits in seven innings. Catcher Robert Han-Dressor also played brilliant defense, preventing potential balls in the dirt from going toward the backstop and making solid throws to second. It was North Hollywood's first title since winning Division II in 2012.

The score was tied 1-1 heading into the eighth when North Hollywood's Diego Velazquez singled against reliever Robert Guerrero and moved to second on a sacrifice fly. That's when Park hit the ball to right field and finished with a triple. Cristian Calderon followed with an RBI single.

It was a match in which both teams' defenses were put to the test with drop shots and pressure plays. North Hollywood failed in a suicide attempt. Banning lost a run when his scoring runner from third on a fly ball was called for leaving too early.

North Hollywood coach Eder Tapia, in his fifth season, has not played a home game since the 2019 season. The Huskies' baseball field no longer exists due to the construction of a school. A new one won't be available for at least two years. The team played all road games and practiced at Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Park. Dodger Stadium was just another road stadium, but Tapia, who played in the 1999 City Finals for Sun Valley Poly, tried to tell his players what to expect.

North Hollywood players celebrate City Division I title.

North Hollywood players celebrate City Division I title.

(Craig Weston)

I told them to soak it all in, enjoy and relax, he said.

Ultimately, his players listened and gave their best in the playoffs to become champions as the No. 8 seed.

He means everything to us, Han-Dressor said. I am very proud of him and I thank him for coaching us.




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