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William H. Macy on Hollywood's 'Portrait of Violence'

William H. Macy on Hollywood's 'Portrait of Violence'
William H. Macy on Hollywood's 'Portrait of Violence'


William H. Macy speaks out about his industry's depiction of violence.

In a lively tone episode by Brett Goldsteins Movies to be buried with podcast published Wednesday May 29, Shameless The star, 74, said: “I think Hollywood is doing a lot of damage to the world with our depiction of violence.

What modern movies and TV shows get wrong, Macy says, is equating high body counts with high emotional stakes. I swear to God, you kill a person, there is nothing more dramatic than that, he declared. You kill 18 people, it's just porn. The only thing you can do to make it more dramatic is kill 18 more.”

William H. Macy in 2023.

Paul Archuleta/Getty

As an example, the Emmy winner approached Goldstein, 43, with a series idea. “You take three episodes to fall in love with one of the main characters, and then you film it,” he suggested. “But don't write him out of the show. And every week you can see the effect of a bullet on the human body. You can see how it destroys his marriage into deep, dark depressions.

He added that his problems with the veracity of Hollywood's depiction of violence “cost me a lot of work.”

Oscar nominee for 1996 FargoMacy has written and directed films as well as episodes of Shamelessin which he starred for 11 seasons from 2011 to 2021. Among his next writing projects, he told Goldstein, is a western in which he hopes to star alongside his 23-year-old daughter, Sophia, who he shares with his wife Felicity Huffman.

William H. Macy in 1996 Fargo.


“When I started, there were nine bodies on page four,” he said of writing the script. To make the story more historically realistic, he said, “I pushed for us to return to the real West and not Westerns.” Don't imitate the movies. »

Macy continued: Ultimately, one thing every story has to be is true. It must be true to human experience. And I think the test is if you put it out there and a few million people see it, most of them recognize the problem and it moves them. »

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The conversation with Goldstein covered favorite and least favorite films and storytelling tropes. Macy also shared with the Ted Lasso Emmy winner, some of the lightest movies he watches with family: 1980s Plane!1994s Stupid and even dumber and 2011 Horrible bosses. “My God, I love laughing in movies,” he said.

Macy stars in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apesin theaters now.




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