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Rialto's 19th anniversary celebration includes exclusive screening of 'Sweetwater' with lead actor on June 21

Rialto's 19th anniversary celebration includes exclusive screening of 'Sweetwater' with lead actor on June 21


This June 19, the City of Rialto and IEHP, in collaboration with Never Stop Grinding Impact (NSG), will host an extraordinary celebration of culture, highlighting the untold stories of African American history through the exclusive screening from “Sweetwater”. The event will take place on Friday, June 21, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at Margaret Todd Park, located at 201 N. Willow Ave.

The centerpiece of the celebration is the award-winning film “Sweetwater,” a fascinating biographical film about Nathaniel “Sweetwater” Clifton, the first African American to sign a contract with the NBA. Directed by Martin Guigui and starring Everett Osborne, Cary Elwes and Jeremy Piven, the film captures the pivotal moment in 1950, when Clifton broke barriers and forever changed the landscape of professional basketball.

Sweetwater, released in April 2023, was previously available in select theaters and streaming platforms, but has been temporarily removed from streaming as a major announcement is planned in the coming weeks. The Juneteenth celebration in Rialto will be the only place to watch “Sweetwater” before the upcoming announcement. The screening will begin at sunset.

Darious Harris, CEO of NSG Impact, shared his personal connection to the film, reflecting on the revelation that there was a time when African Americans were not allowed to play in the NBA. “I never knew that at one point black people couldn’t play in the NBA. Growing up in California, I never realized I was a minority until adulthood. This sentiment resonates with many minority youth and young adults here,” Harris said. Harris, a former boxer, first met Osborne on the set of a Honda commercial in 2017 and was inspired by Osborne's journey from sports to the big screen.

Everett Osborne, who plays Sweetwater in the film, highlighted the importance of Juneteenth and the film's depiction of liberation and breaking down barriers. “June 17, known as African American Freedom Day, and “Sweetwater” symbolize the future of all possibilities and the change in history marked by the signing of the first black NBA player. When a person breaks the chain, it brings hope and freedom,” Osborne said. He also stressed the importance of understanding history to appreciate the progress made and the work still to be done.

A family at last year's June 19 event, taking advantage of the vendors.

The event promises a vibrant atmosphere with food vendors, music, youth activities, games, giveaways and community resources. The LA Rams cheerleaders will make a special appearance, adding to the party spirit. Osborne will also host a free basketball clinic, giving young people the opportunity to engage and learn from a professional athlete. Attendees are encouraged to register in advance to receive free items for adults and children, which are available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last.

This exclusive screening of “Sweetwater” aligns with the theme of celebrating empowerment and education. “It’s more than just a movie; it’s a story that needs to be told and heard, especially by our younger generation,” Harris added. “We have come a long way, but there is still work to do. »

The Juneteenth celebration of culture is free and open to the public, but participants are encouraged to register in advance. here.

In addition to the June 16 event, NSG Impact is currently hosting a summer boxing program at Frisbee Middle School, June 6-20. The program focuses on physical fitness through non-contact boxing, social-emotional learning and bully awareness. Each student receives personalized NSG gloves and a T-shirt. The program, co-founded by Harris and COO Tameka Grayson in 2021, is available year-round for schools interested in participating.

For more information on the summer boxing program or the culture's seventeenth anniversary celebration, visit or contact NSG Impact at [email protected].

Hundreds of community members from Rialto and neighboring towns with their lawn chairs, blankets and snacks enjoying the Juneteenth 2023 film screening.




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