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I was offered a film with Emraan Hashmi: Sonya Hussyn

I was offered a film with Emraan Hashmi: Sonya Hussyn


Although many may view this with suspicion and disbelief, it does not seem impossible that various talented Pakistani actors have attracted the attention of Indian filmmakers. Among the many local stars who have said they've been offered projects across the border, lovely Sonya Hussyn is the latest.

In an interview with Independent Urdu, Sonya revealed intriguing details about her career choices and her thoughts on dream co-stars. While discussing her preferences for an on-screen hero, she named Ali Zafar as her first choice, praising his charisma.

“I never thought about it but I think when it comes to movies, I find Ali Zafar very charming. I think he has that charm of a movie hero. There are many contenders for one film hero Fawad Khan also has a charm but play-wise, I would prefer Ali Zafar,” she said.

However, the conversation took an interesting turn when Sonya shared her experiences with the offerings of the Indian film industry. She revealed that she was approached for three different projects. “I received three film offers from India. One was a film adaptation of Shakespeare's Measure for measure. The other was a sequel to an old Santosh Kumar film – I don't remember its name,” she noted.

Among these offers, one particularly stood out: a film with the famous Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi. “For this one, I even had a meeting with the people concerned, but then the exchanges with India stopped completely,” she explained, referring to the cessation of collaborations between the India and Pakistan following the Uri attack and the subsequent ban on Pakistani artists working in India.

Sonya's openness about these missed opportunities highlights the ongoing challenges artists in the region face due to political tensions. His thoughts not only shed light on his professional aspirations, but also shed light on the broader implications of geopolitical issues on the arts and entertainment industry.

Celebrated for her down-to-earth nature, talent and impeccable style, Sonya has captivated audiences in numerous avatars. Despite his growing popularity, the actor remains single, leaving fans eager to know about his wedding plans. As a recent guest on Nadia Khan's show, Sonya opened up about her dream wedding and revealed her strong stance against marrying an actor.

When asked about her preference between marrying a businessman or an actor, Sonya's response was refreshingly frank: “I would never marry an actor.” I think actors are very self-obsessed. I'm an actor, so I think self-obsession should only be in one of us. When you are so focused on yourself, you can't pay attention to the other person.

As for immediate wedding bells, Sonya set the record straight by saying, “No, nothing yet.” Everyone tells me that I finished my studies, that I worked a lot, that I built a house and that I should get married now. Maybe I don't belong to that generation because I feel like men have lost their chivalry and good manners.

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