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Academy Museum in Los Angeles to revise its exhibit on Jewish founders after criticism from Jewish Hollywood figures

Academy Museum in Los Angeles to revise its exhibit on Jewish founders after criticism from Jewish Hollywood figures


An exhibition about Jews in Hollywood, launched at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles following outcry from Jewish critics, is now being revised following another outcry from Jewish critics.

The museum opened its first-ever permanent exhibit, a deep dive into the Jewish pioneers who laid the foundation for Hollywood, on May 19. Hollywoodland: Jewish Founders and the Making of a Cinematic Capital was launched two and a half years after the museum opened. without the history of the Jewish beginnings of the industry.

Intended as a response to critics who complained about the museum's exclusion of Jews, the exhibit spotlights the Warner brothers, Louis B. Mayer, Adolph Zukor and other giants of Jewish cinema. And now he's drawing criticism for portraying some of these characters in a negative light.

We wish to express our extreme disappointment and frustration with the exhibition of the Jewish founders of the Academy Museums, said an open letter signed by more than 300 professionals in the sector. Using the words tyrant, oppressor, womanizer, predator, offensive, racial oppression, nepotism and prejudice, this is the only section of the museum that vilifies those it claims to celebrate.

The statement acknowledges the importance of confronting Hollywood's problematic past, but then accuses the museum of creating a despicable double standard.

Blaming Jews alone for this problematic past is unacceptable and, intentionally or not, anti-Semitic, the letter says, before calling on the museum to completely redo this exhibition.

The letter was organized by United Jewish Writers, a coalition formed shortly after Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7.Hollywood unions were divided on whether and how to issue statements condemning the attack and supporting Israel. The group previously organized an open letter refuting The Zone of Interest director Jonathan Glazer's Oscar speech that criticized Israel.

The new letter asks signatories not to post publicly on social media and does not indicate who signed. But according to the New York Timessignatories include director Casey Wasserman, actor David Schwimmer and writer Amy Sherman-Palladino.

It's not unconscious bias, it's conscious bias, producer Lawrence Bender, who signed the letter, told the Times. This seems like an ax against the Jews.

The letter followed growing criticism covered by local media LeWrap And Los Angeles Magazine since the exhibition's launch, notably from Israeli-American director Alma Harel, who resigned from the museums' inclusion committee after a tour.

On Monday, the museum announced it was making changes in response to the comments.

We have heard concerns from members of the Jewish community regarding certain elements of our exhibition, said the statement, released before the arrival of the letter from the United Jewish Writers. We take these concerns seriously and are committed to making changes to the exhibit to address them.

An initial round of unspecified changes would be made immediately, the statement said, adding that these changes will allow us to tell these important stories without using language that could unintentionally reinforce stereotypes.

The museum also announced that it will convene an advisory group of experts from leading museums focused on the Jewish community, civil rights, and the history of other marginalized groups to advise us on complex questions regarding context and any necessary additions to the exhibition narrative.

Before the Hollywoodland exhibit opened, Jacqueline Stewart, who until last month served as the museum's director and president, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that community feedback played a role in building the exhibit. . (His departure was planned before the opening of the exhibitions.)

“I really think we're able to present this exhibit now in a better way than it would have been if we had tried to tell the story when we opened,” Stewart said during a preview. -premiere with the press. Because we understand our audience better.

The new exhibition initially attracted applause, including from some who had already criticized him for excluding Jewish stories. But the new criticism, made at a time of extreme concern about Jewish inclusion, began soon after.

The exhibit is a lazy and insidious indictment of Hollywood's founders, writer Patrick Moss told LA Magazine. The focus is not on the founders' accomplishments but on their sins.




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