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Actor Meemaw's Criticisms of Sheldon's Cancellation Are Right Thanks to New CBS Data

Actor Meemaw's Criticisms of Sheldon's Cancellation Are Right Thanks to New CBS Data



  • Annie Potts' criticism of
    Young Sheldo
    n's cancellation is proven by new CBS ratings data that reveals it remained television's No. 1 comedy when it ended.
  • The moving finale of
    Young Sheldon
    concluded the Coopers' story, but the upcoming spinoff won't include every member of the family.
  • CBS could have continued the Coopers' story seamlessly without starting a new show by simply renaming
    Young Sheldon
    like a real ensemble show.

A few weeks after the film's completion, the Meemaw actor's criticism regarding Young SheldonThe cancellation of is proven by new data from CBS. On the heels of the 2023 double strike and the delayed start of the entire television year, it was announced that Young Sheldon would end with a shortened seventh season. However, rumors about the show ending started even before the Young Sheldon season 6 finale, as the prequel reached the point in the timeline where Sheldon was supposed to leave Texas and move to California. Despite this, confirmation of the series' end did not come until several months later.

After much fewer episodes, the Young Sheldon the finale delivered an emotional farewell to the Coopers. Addressing the aftermath of George's tragic death, the first half of the series was devoted to his funeral. After that, the prequel changed its narrative to end Sheldon's story in Texas and move him toward his new life at Caltech. The ending was objectively good, especially in light of several disappointing finales. That said, there has been an argument that Young Sheldon shouldn't have ended with season 7. Potts echoed that sentiment and a new update proves she's right.


Young Sheldon's Final Theory Suggests Secret Figure at Actor George's Funeral Is Missing Cooper

Lance Barber played a secret character at George's funeral and one theory suggests she could be the missing Cooper in the Young Sheldon finale.

CBS Proves Annie Potts' Young Sheldon Cancellation Problem

Young Sheldon ended up being the number 1 comedy on television

Before the show entered its final month, Potts openly criticized Young Sheldon, citing how it was a bad business decision, given the popularity of the series. She also revealed that they were ambushed following the decision to end The Big Bang Theory prequel. Several weeks after the project officially ended, official audience data from the shortened 2023-2024 television season confirms his claims, with Young Sheldon being the most watched comedy of the year (via TV line). In total, it recorded 9.3 million weekly viewers, far from second place, Ghostwith 8.2 million.

From The Big Bang Theory finished in 2019, its spin-off took its place as television's number 1 comedy. By the time Young Sheldon upon completion, he won this distinction five years in a row, a testament to his consistency. Although the series evolved beyond its original premise and became an ensemble show, it managed to maintain its success and viewership. Looking at these numbers, it's hard to disagree with Potts' sentiments.


Young Sheldon's Final Theory Suggests Secret Figure at Actor George's Funeral Is the Missing Cooper

Lance Barber played a secret character at George's funeral and one theory suggests she could be the missing Cooper in the Young Sheldon finale.

How Young Sheldon Could Have Continued After Sheldon Moved

CBS didn't need to launch a new show to continue the Coopers' story

Raegan Revord as Missy and Annie Potts as Meemaw in Young Sheldon

CBS continues the story of the Coopers in Texas after Young Sheldon via The spin-off of Georgie and Mandy, Georgie and Mandy's first marriage. That said, there was actually a smoother way to move the family forward without starting a new show with a different format. By a slight change of brand in The cooperswhich would accurately reflect the project's narrative anyway, CBS could have kept the rest of the cast after Sheldon moved to California and George died.

In Georgie and Mandy's first marriage, none of the other Cooper family members will return as series regulars aside from Montana Jordan and Emily Osment. This means that despite Meemaw and Missy's storytelling potential, their stories will likely never fully unfold on screen. The couple and Mary may appear as guest stars, but they won't be the focal point of a major story after Young Sheldon Again.

Georgie and Mandy's first marriage

will premiere as part of CBS' 2024-2025 television schedule.

Source: TV line


Young Sheldon

A spin-off of the sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon follows the youth and coming-of-age of Sheldon Cooper during his childhood in Texas as he pursues science and college. The series also follows his parents, siblings, and Mee-Maw, painting a picture of the world Sheldon grew up in.

Jim Parsons, Iain Armitage, Annie Potts, Emily Osment

Release date
September 25, 2017





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