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This film starred two superstars, was shelved, the actor never worked in Bollywood again, the actress is now going viral since…

This film starred two superstars, was shelved, the actor never worked in Bollywood again, the actress is now going viral since…


This period film, planned with two superstars, was abandoned. Now, the photos of the actress during the look test are going viral.

After winning the Miss World crown, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan decided to venture into the world of acting and has achieved several hits and blockbusters in her career. However, a film of the actress was shelved and the hero of the film never worked in Bollywood again.

The actress, however, did a look test as Mumtaz Mahal for the film, which is now going viral on social media. In one of the photos, the actress looked extremely beautiful in an ivory colored dress, which she paired with a headpiece that had a kalgi attached to it. In another photo, Aishwarya looked simply stunning in a chikankari anarkali. Another photo of the actress showed her in a gold outfit, and oh my goodness, she looked utterly regal.

Aishwarya Look Test as Mumtaz Mahal in Shelved Film Tajmahal

byu/AmbassadorNew1257 InBollyBlindsNGossip

In 2009, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan confirmed her role in the film titled Taj playing Mumtaz Mahal. The period film on the love story of the legendary Shah Jahan-Mumtaz Mahal was supposed to see her opposite Ben Kingsley with whom she previously starred in the 2007 film, The Last Legion.

According to Indian Express, Aishwarya Rai told reporters, “During the filming of The Last Legion (Ben Kingsley) had shared the idea with me. I have just received the draft of the script and now we are planning to take it forward.” The film was supposed to be released in October 2010, but it was scrapped. Ben Kingsley, who is a superstar in Hollywood, Academy and BAFTA award winner, after this film was dropped, never worked in Bollywood again.

Meanwhile, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan acted in several other period films like Jodhaa Akbar, Umrao Jaan and others. Her last film Ponniyin Selvan II was also a period drama which turned out to be a blockbuster and fans couldn't stop praising her performance in the Mani Ratnam-directed film. The film has collected Rs 344.63 crore worldwide.

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