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Chicago PD Actor Voight Wants New Intelligence Team Members for Season 12

Chicago PD Actor Voight Wants New Intelligence Team Members for Season 12



  • Jason Beghe wants the intelligence team there
    Chicago Police
    growing up in season 12.
  • Several key members of the team left in previous seasons, leaving open opportunities for the introduction of new characters.
  • Beghe hopes to have more roles within the Intelligence Unit but can't guarantee that yet, as it depends on what the creatives behind the series want to do.

Chicago Police Star Jason Beghe, who plays Sergeant Hank Voight on the detective series, has expressed interest in seeing the intelligence team grow at the start of season 12. Many important members of the team who work in the 21st District have left the series in recent seasons, like Jay Halstead. (Jesse Lee Soffer) exiting in season 10, and Hailey Upton (Tracy Spiridakos) exiting in season 11. Due to the number of roles remaining on the team, Chicago Police season 12 has the opportunity to introduce new characters to expand the cast.

Talk with Rant screen about the next film Reverse the curse, Beghe expressed interest in seeing more characters introduced in Chicago Police go forward. The actor explained that he thinks there should be more people in the intelligence unit, but also said that he can't guarantee how things will develop in the future. Check out what Beghe had to say below:

Yeah, I hope so, I talked to the writers, and I think it would be good. But I can't guarantee anything at this stage. But yes, we need some people.

Beghe played Voight in
Chicago Police
since season 1.

Why Chicago PD Needs a Bigger Team in Season 12

Many characters have recently left the team.

Jason Beghe as Hank Voight in Chicago PD Woods

While this allows the team to be small enough for the audience to root for everyone, it could make storylines too circular as no one new enters the fold.

THE Chicago Police The season 11 finale involved Voight taking down a serial killer who killed a teenager, Noah, who he had previously become attached to. This hinted at a return to form for his character but was also accompanied by Upton leaving the show, someone who has become one of his most trusted confidants over the past few seasons. Because of everything he's lost, it would make sense for the series to introduce new characters that he could become attached to, giving him an engaging character arc.

The series also needs a larger team in general, since season 11 ends with only six main characters. While this allows the team to be small enough for the audience to root for everyone, it could make storylines too circular as no one new enters the fold. Introducing new faces to the team can help enrich the dramatic stories told while also allowing opportunities for different interactions between characters to spark interesting dynamics. This is especially true for Voight given everything he lost last season.



Voights Chicago PD Season 11 Finale Sets Up for Antonio Dawson's Return

Hank Voight is in serious danger during the season 11 finale of Chicago PD and that sets the stage for Jon Seda's return as Antonio Dawson.

The series could also compromise by promoting some of its current recurring characters to main cast status in season 12. This would open the door for characters like Makayla, Nina, and Patrick to get more screen time., while also offering different team dynamics that could build new story foundations for the next batch of episodes. Since Beghe wants more team members to be introduced into Chicago Policethere are many ways this could happen to help strengthen the new season.




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