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Pashmina Roshan talks about overcoming depression and her journey to her Bollywood debut with 'Ishq Vishk Rebound'

Pashmina Roshan talks about overcoming depression and her journey to her Bollywood debut with 'Ishq Vishk Rebound'


By the Peeping Moon team


Pashmina Roshan talks about overcoming depression and her journey to her Bollywood debut with 'Ishq Vishk Rebound'

Hrithik Roshan's cousin, actress Pashmina Roshan, is all set to make her Bollywood debut with the much-awaited film Ishq Vishk Rebound. Paired with co-star Rohit Saraf, Pashmina recently opened up about her mental health struggles and the arduous journey she took to land her first film role.

In an interview with ANI, Pashmina revealed that she struggled with depression during her early years. She shared her early doubts about her acting abilities and how those uncertainties impacted her daily life. “I didn't know if I could be a good actor or not. I only slept in the afternoon, feeling lost and uncertain,” Pashmina recalls.

Despite her involvement in the performing arts during her school years, Pashmina was initially unsure about pursuing an acting career. “I had applied to different universities in the UK to do marketing. I got my visa, the rooms were booked and it was the summer holidays. I was very depressed. All my friends were going to parties and did everything before, I just slept in the afternoon,” she said.

Feeling artistically unfulfilled in marketing, Pashmina decided to explore her passion for acting. She started with a photo shoot to assess her potential. “I wasn't artistically satisfied in marketing. I don't think I was good enough for it. Since then, I did a photoshoot to see what was in me,” she said. she adds.

Showing the photos to her father and uncle, Pashmina received encouragement. “They said yes, there is something in everyone but you have to refine it,” she said. Determined to improve, she enrolled in acting and dance classes, learning various dance forms including Bharatnatyam. She faced several rejections, but used feedback from her family to hone her skills.

Pashmina's perseverance paid off when she finally landed her first role in Ishq Vishk Rebound. Reflecting on her journey, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity. “I am very grateful to have received the film, Ishq Vishk Rebound,” she said.

Ishq Vishk Rebound is scheduled to hit the theaters on June 21. Pashmina Roshan's candid revelation about her struggles and dedication to her craft has already garnered admiration from fans and industry insiders.




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