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Seinfeld actor Hiram Kasten dies at age 71

Seinfeld actor Hiram Kasten dies at age 71


Actor Hiram Kasten, known for his roles in Seinfeld, Sour Grapes, 7th Heaven and many others, has died at the age of 71.

Kasten was close friends with Jerry Seinfeld, after the two met at The Comic Strip comedy club when Seinfeld was working as an MC.

They remained friends for more than four decades.

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His death came after seven years of battling a multitude of illnesses, » obituary in his local newspaper The Batavian.

Born in the Bronx, Kasten was predestined to be a performer, entertainer, actor and comedian, obituary shared on his official Facebook page said.

Comics were Kastens' home base, the post said.

For many years he was the resident MC.

He also became a regular on Catch a Rising Star and occasionally on The Improv, The Comedy Cellar and Carolines.

He added to the roster at his club, Dangerfields, where he fronted his own show every Sunday night for years.

Kasten married his wife Diana in 1986 after a five-year courtship.

Hiram Kasten, known for his roles on Seinfeld, Sour Grapes, 7th Heaven and more, has died.Hiram Kasten, known for his roles on Seinfeld, Sour Grapes, 7th Heaven and more, has died.
Hiram Kasten, known for his roles on Seinfeld, Sour Grapes, 7th Heaven and more, has died. Credit: Getty Images

A year later, they moved from New York to Los Angeles, where Kasten began working in television.

He landed a recurring role in a pilot for CBS with Frank Langella and Sally Kellerman, titled Dr. Paradise.

Other roles followed in numerous sitcoms, including Michael, a colleague of Julia Louis-Dreyfuss's Elaine on Seinfeld.

He also had starring roles in Mad About You, Everybody Loves Raymond and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Some of her other television credits include 7th Heaven, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Brooklyn Bridge, Without a Trace, Saved by the Bell, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Dirty Sexy Money, Fat Actress, Its Like, You Know, Cybill, LA Law and many others.

Kasten has also worked as a comedian in Las Vegas and on cruise ships.

He and Diana eventually returned to New York, with their daughter Millicent attending college nearby.

Kasten loved show business and was living his dream of being in show business (but) his most satisfying and important role was that of a family man, his obituary said.

He loved being a father to his beautiful and brilliant daughter who survives him, Millicent Jade Kastenbaum of Manhattan.

His many accomplishments during his young life and career as an assistant district attorney made him burst with pride and love.

He is survived by his loving wife, Diana Kisiel Kastenbaum of Batavia, New York, who loved and tenderly cared for him until the end.

They were married on June 15, 1986, and he died in her arms on June 16, 2024, just hours after their 38th wedding anniversary.

He is also survived by his brother-in-law, Kevin John Kisiel of Rochester, New York, as well as several beloved nieces and nephews and their children, as well as wonderful cousins ​​on both sides of the family.




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