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Bollywood Roundup: Swara Bhasker, Salman Khan, Shraddha Kapoor and more…

Bollywood Roundup: Swara Bhasker, Salman Khan, Shraddha Kapoor and more…


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Swara hopes Sonakshi-Zaheer won't face the kind of trolling Saif-Kareena suffered

Mumbai – Actress Swara Bhaskerwho recently slammed a food blogger for a social media post expressing pride in being vegetarian, has now spoken about the soon-to-be-married couple Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal.

The actress expressed her frustration over the company's interference in personal matters and defended Sonakshi and Zaheer's right to privacy.

Sonakshi is currently being trolled a lot on the internet due to her interfaith relationship with Zaheer.

Speaking about the same, Swara, who herself had an interfaith union with politician and activist Fahad Ahmad, told Connect Cine: What they (Sonakshi and Zaheer) do in their private lives, that they marry or not, depends on them. It is no one's business if they live together, get married in court, have a 'nikaah' or an Arya Samaj marriage.

The actress anticipated further controversy and spoke about the public scrutiny the couple's future children may face. The same thing happened with Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan's children Taimur and Jeh.

Swara said: Wait and see, when they have a child, there will be a separate debate around the child's name. We saw this happen with Kareena and Saif's children, as well as my child. It's completely stupid, but it's not going to stop anytime soon.

Salman begins shooting for 'Sikander', posts pictures with Murugadoss from the shoot

Mumbai – Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan shared a photo with director AR Murugadoss from the sets of 'Sikander' as he begins shooting for the upcoming film and said he is looking forward to Eid 2025.

Salman took to X and shared a photo with Murugadoss and producer Sajid Nadiadwala.

The three are seen looking at a screen.

The 'Dabangg' star wears sunglasses, a purple t-shirt and earrings.

Salman captioned the image: Looking forward to #Eid2025 with team #Sikandar. #SajidNadiadwalas #Sikandar Directed by @ARMurugadoss @iamRashmika @NGEMovies @WardaNadiadwala #SikandarEid2025.

On Tuesday, according to reports, a look test and photoshoot was conducted for the film. A video of the shooting began circulating on social media.

On April 11, on the occasion of Eid this year, Salman announced the title of his next film, directed by Murugadoss. The film also stars Rashmika Mandanna.

He had posted on social media: Iss Eid 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' aur 'Maidaan' ko dekho aur agli Eid 'Sikandar' se aa kar milo… Wishing you all Eid Mubarak!

Details of the film are still under wraps.

In 2023, Salman was first seen in 'Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan', an action comedy directed by Farhad Samji. The film, which also stars Pooja Hegde, Venkatesh, Shehnaaz Gill and Raghav Juyal, is a remake of the 2014 Tamil film 'Veeram'.

He was next seen in 'Tiger 3', a spy action thriller directed by Maneesh Sharma. It also stars Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi. This film is a sequel to 'Ek Tha Tiger' and 'Tiger Zinda Hai'.

Shraddha Kapoor makes her relationship with Rahul Mody Instagram official

Mumbai – Actress Shraddha Kapoor confirmed his relationship with the writer Rahul Mody and made it Instagram official with a photo.

The actress shared a photo on her Instagram stories, where the two are seen posing for a selfie.

Shraddha and Rahul are dressed in white and the actress is holding Rahul's arm in the image.

For the caption, Shraddha wrote, “Dil rakh le, Neend toh vaapis de de yaar” (Remove my heart, but at least return my sleep).

Shraddha and Rahul have been seen attending events together on several occasions. Recently, Shraddha created a buzz on social media by wearing an R pendant in a photo she shared on Instagram.

It is reported that the couple met on the set of 'Tu Jhoothi ​​​​Main Makkaar', starring Ranbir Kapoor, where Rahul served as the film's screenwriter.

Talking about work, Shraddha is gearing up for 'Stree 2', the second installment of the 2018 film starring Rajkummar Rao, Aparshakti Khurana, Flora Saini and Abhishek Banerjee.

The second part of the horror-comedy will once again feature Rajkummar opposite Shraddha. 'Stree 2' belongs to Dinesh Vijan's horror comedy universe and will be released on August 15.

Sonakshi teams up with Riteish Deshmukh and Saqib Saleem for 'Kakuda'

Mumbai – Bollywood Actress Sonakshi Sinhawho is all set to tie the knot with Zaheer Iqbal, has an upcoming streaming film 'Kakuda' on the horizon.

The actress will be seen sharing the screen with Riteish Deshmukh and Saqib Saleem in the film which is a horror comedy.

The film is set in the cursed village of Ratodi in the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. Every house in the neighborhood has two similar doors, one normal size and one smaller than the other. The film revolves around a particular ritual that requires the smallest door of every house to be opened every Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. Failure to comply with this rule arouses the anger of Kakuda, who punishes the man of the house.

The film is directed by Aditya Sarpotdar, known for 'Zombivili' and the recent box office miracle 'Munjya'.

Speaking about the film, Aditya Sarpotdar said, “As a filmmaker and a fan of the horror-comedy genre, I find it incredibly fascinating to explore the delicate balance between fear and laughter. It's a difficult task to scare and amuse the audience at the same time, but with 'Kakuda', I am convinced that we have once again struck the right chord. I am delighted to have worked with an exceptionally talented cast, including Riteish Deshmukh, Sonakshi Sinha, Saqib Saleem and Aasif Khan, who brilliantly supported the narrative by adding humor and emotion to the story.

He added: “Their impeccable comedic timing and the way they portray authentic emotions made my job as a director much easier. Together, we have created a unique and captivating story that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting every twist and turn. “Kakuda” is an experience that will take the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions.

Produced by RSVP, 'Kakuda' will soon release on ZEE5. (IANS)





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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