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Hollywood remembers Donald Sutherland as one of the “most captivating movie actors of all time.”

Hollywood remembers Donald Sutherland as one of the “most captivating movie actors of all time.”


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Tributes to Donald Sutherland poured in on social media as Hollywood mourned the loss of the prolific actor who died on Thursday. He was 88 years old.

“With a heavy heart, I tell you that my father, Donald Sutherland, deceased“, his son, Kiefer Sutherland, shared on social media. “I personally think he is one of the most important actors in the history of cinema. Never intimidated by a role, good, bad or ugly. He loved what he did and did what he loved, and you can never ask for more than that. A life well lived.”

Director Ron Howard showed his admiration for Sutherland in a tweet shared on X. “I had the chance to direct him in #Backdraft,” he wrote. “One of the most intelligent, interesting and captivating screen actors of all time. Incredible range, creative courage and dedication to serving the story and the audience with supreme excellence.”


Donald Sutherland holds sunglasses in front of his face.

Donald Sutherland is considered one of the best actors in Hollywood. (Manuel Romano/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Ben Stiller responded to Kiefer's post: “Sending you love and lots of respect.”

The Canadian actor began his film career with “The Dirty Dozen” and “Kelly's Heroes”, and rose to prominence for his roles in “Animal House”, “Backdraft”, “Six Degrees of Separation” and “Pride & Prejudice”.


Donald, who also won two Golden globes and a Critics' Choice Award, was known for portraying unique characters in dozens of film and television roles.

Director Edgar Wright praised Sutherland's “fascinating screen presence” in a lengthy tribute to one of his favorite actors.

“RIP, the great Donald Sutherland, a favorite actor and always fascinating screen presence. He starred in two of my favorite and most influential films, including Look Now and 1978's Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers,” Wright tweeted .

“But that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his legendary filmography: a funny, laconic, but also intense and dramatic presence in so many memorable films, starting with his breakthrough in The Bastard Twelve, then in an incredible run through the 70s, 80s and beyond with M*A*S*H, Kellys Heroes, Little Murders, Klute, Dont Look Now, The Day Of The Locust, Ordinary People and JFK, among many others , I even love his early on, his appearances in Dr. Terrors House Of Horrors and The World Ten Times Over, as well as his very silly appearance in Kentucky Fried Movie.


Cary Elwes commented on Kiefer's Instagram post: “Devastated. Our hearts break for you. So grateful to have known and worked with him. We send him our love.”

Elijah Wood shared an image of a smiling young Donald and wrote: “Aww man. Bye, Donald Sutherland.”

Red Hot Chili Pepper bassist Flea wrote: “Just watched Klute last week. Donald Sutherland was an incredible screen presence time and time again, one of the greatest. Damn.”

Actress Kristy Swanson wrote: “My heart goes out to you Kiefer. He was and always will be a magnificent man. May he rest in peace and love.”


Comedian Dane Cook shared: “Donald Sutherland had the most beautiful voice on screen, his eyes could be deliciously sinister or heartbreakingly serious. I felt like every time he was on On screen, he danced without any movement. Condolences to his family. What a rare and exciting life he had until 88.”

Donald Sutherland sits on a stool, wearing a black and white hat and coat.

Sutherland studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. (Bardo Fabiani/Getty Images)

Donald Sutherland poses in the press room in a black suit.

Sutherland has long been considered one of the best actors never to be nominated for an Academy Award. (Dave Hogan/Getty Images)

Born in Saint John, CanadaSutherland barely survived a series of childhood illnesses, including infantile paralysis, rheumatoid fever and spinal meningitis.

Earlier this year, Sutherland announced that a memoir about his life was in the works, scheduled for publication in November.

“Donald Sutherland has left an indelible mark on the industry since his life-changing role in MASH catapulted him into the public eye nearly sixty years ago,” publisher Crown said in a statement.

Donald Sutherland

Donald Sutherland's “Made Up, But Still True” is the actor's first work as an author. (Crown)

“With his raw honesty and perverse sense of humor, the famous actor recounts his life in this book that marked a generation, cataloging in powerful detail his too many brushes with death, his loving relationship with his parents and his behind the scenes stories of the films he starred in.

“Made Up, But Still True” is Sutherland's first work as an author.

Sutherland is survived by his wife Francine Racette, his daughter Rachel and his four sons, Kiefer, Rossif, Angus and Roeg.





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