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Bollywood Newswrap, June 20: Expecting parents Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh fly to London; Ali Fazal and Pankaj Tripathi's Mirzapur 3 trailer released

Bollywood Newswrap, June 20: Expecting parents Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh fly to London;  Ali Fazal and Pankaj Tripathi's Mirzapur 3 trailer released


On June 20, we received several important news from the Bollywood industry. From expectant parents Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh jetting off to London to the makers of Mirzapur releasing the trailer of its third season, a lot happened today.

Here are the top 5 Bollywood news for June 20, 2024

1. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh fly to London

Expectant parents Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh flew to London early in the morning of June 20. The couple was spotted at the airport as they arrived hand in hand. The video shows Ranveer exiting first, then coming to open the car door for Deepika, helping her get down safely.

Deepika and Ranveer were seen paired in black as the Pathaan actress wore a black bodycon dress teamed with a black shirt, cool sunglasses and white sneakers while the Don 3 actor looked dapper in a black t-shirt and black jeans.

2. Mirzapur 3 trailer released

After a long wait, the trailer of Mirzapur 3 has been released. In the video, Guddu Pandit (played by Ali Fazal) can be seen consolidating his authority in Purvanchal, supported by Shweta Tripathi's character. Rasika Duggal, previously associated with Pankaj Tripathi's character, is now aligned with Guddu, as depicted in the previous season.

Tripathi's character makes an appearance towards the end and is heard saying: Hum wo karwayenge, which has not happened in the story of Purvanchgal till today. (Now is the time to do what has never been done in Purvanchal.) Sharing the trailer on Instagram, Prime Video captioned, Virasat chin li gayi hai, by deshasat hai. Meanwhile, the third season will be released on July 5.


3.Salman Khan, Atlee and Sun Pictures in talks for a mega two-hero action film

Pinkvilla has exclusively learned that Salman Khan and Atlear are discussing a feature film which will be produced by Sun Pictures. Salman Khan and Atlee have been bonding for a year and have discussed many ideas for a potential collaboration. The conversations are moving in the right direction because there is a topic that fits Salman and Atlee's synergies. It's a yes in principle from Salman Khan and the director is currently working on the script, revealed a source close to the development.

4.Farhan Akhtar reacts to the excitement around Mirzapur 3 and Don 3

At the trailer launch of Mirzapur 3, producer Farhan Akhtar spoke about the excitement about the new season and also Don 3.

Farhan added that Mirzapur is a phenomenal show considering how it has made a place in the hearts of audiences across the world. He said that wherever he goes, people always ask him 2 or 3 questions. “Ek poochte hain ke 'tum yahaan kya kar rahe ho?'Uske baad poochte hain ke 'Don 3 kabhi aayegi' aur 'Mirzapur 3 kabhi aayegi?' (The first is “What are you doing here?” then they ask: “When will Don 3 and Mirzapur 3 arrive?”) He concluded by saying: “These are the questions I get and I am really very happy that this is finally happening.

5. Zaheer Iqbal spotted outside the salon before his wedding to Sonakshi Sinha

Zaheer Iqbal was spotted outside a salon in Bandra, Mumbai as he prepared for his wedding with Sonakshi Sinha. Meanwhile, according to reports, they are expected to get married on June 23.

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for all the latest Bollywood news!

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