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Surprise successes of the first screening with Ti West and Lily Collins

Surprise successes of the first screening with Ti West and Lily Collins


Ti West and A24 pulled off a killer surprise Thursday night, unveiling a first screening of their upcoming slasher film Maxxine to a group of unsuspecting horror fans.

The evening was billed as a double bill of West's X horror series, which includes X And pearl, the films that propelled Mia Goth into the role of Hollywood's new killer queen. The sold-out evening brought together movie nerds and horror geeks of all shapes and hairstyles – some dressed as Pearl, others wearing pearl T-shirts, while others sported T-shirts with logos and characters ranging from X-Men to Once upon a time in HollywoodIt's Rick Dalton.

During a question-and-answer session between the two screenings, the moderator and Maxxine actress Lily Collins and West suddenly switched gears. Collins asked how many people in the audience had seen pearl — and almost everyone raised their hands. She then asked the question: If everyone had seen this movie, why watch it again if they could just see it Maxxine? The crowd cheered in the affirmative, even though it was clear the audience didn't think she was serious. When West confirmed, saying, “You're going to be the first to see this movie,” the crowd went wild, clapping and whistling. Some were panting and covering their mouths.

“Don’t waste it,” West said.

Ahead of the surprise, West spoke about his experience making the trilogy, from making the first two during the pandemic to the challenges of filming Goth in his dual role in X. He also remembers confronting eels during a lake photo (and not telling actor Kid Cudi about it). He even floated making a film set between X And pearl. “You never know,” West said.

THE X the films proved to be surprise hits for A24, garnering praise from critics and horror fans alike, while also making a killing at the box office. Xreleased in March 2022, was a love letter to horror films of the 1970s as well as a nod to porn films of that era, even as it dealt with themes of aging and fading beauty. pearl was made under the radar almost at the same time as X and bowed in September 2022. pearl was a prequel to Xand had the feel of a Douglas Sirk melodrama, focusing on a woman's insatiable desire for fame and fame.

The two films, pearl in particular, Goth has played several roles in films. She's back now Maxxine, which is set in Hollywood in the mid-1980s and sees the surviving character from the first film working in the booming porn industry and on the brink of a major career break. Until her past threatens to catch up with her, of course.

A24 opens the film on July 5.




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