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Sparking Zero Voice Actor Could Have Confirmed GT Content

Sparking Zero Voice Actor Could Have Confirmed GT Content


Strong points

  • Sean Schemmel hints at Dragon Ball GT content in Sparking Zero, possibly with the inclusion of Super Saiyan 4 Goku.
  • Dragon Ball GT characters may be in DLC or in the base game, based on Schemmel's voice references.
  • Schemmel spent 60 to 80 hours recording voice work for Sparking Zero, including Goku Black and fusion characters.

Goku's longtime voice actor Sean Schemmel might have inadvertently confirmed that Dragon Ball GT the content will be included in the next Dragon Ball: Zero Spark arena fighter. Dragon Ball: Zero Spark is one of Bandai Namco's most anticipated releases, featuring Dragon Ball Fans are extremely excited for the return of the classic fighting game series. One of the most anticipated aspects of Zero spark is his roster, which includes several fighters from Dragon Ballthe story.

Most of the fighters on the roster Zero spark come from the emblematic Dragon Ball Z era and most recent Dragon Ball Super anime arcs. Characters like Goku are also depicted in different eras of each arc, with transformations like Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue being exclusive to the Super version of Goku. However, fans of the series have noticed that it hasn't garnered much love so far. Dragon Ball GTwith pre-release material focusing solely on Z And Great. However, according to Goku's voice actor, he could have recorded content from GT it will be in the game.


July 5 will be a big day for Bandai Namco fans

Big reveals are expected from Bandai-Namco on July 5, as the publisher focuses on a specific sector of gaming fans.

In a recent video of a Q&A panel between the Dragon Ball casting at Anime Riverside 2024, Sean Schemmel was discussing the multiple voices he does for the series, including Goku. Schemmel then talks about the last game he recorded with Daman Mills, the voice of Frieza and the vocal director of Zero spark. He notes that Goku's different forms each exhibit subtle changes in inflection, and that it was difficult to keep track of them all. He discusses Goku's different transformations which have since been confirmed Zero sparklike Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan God, but then mentions Super Saiyan 4 in the same breath, a form currently absent from the game.

Sean Schemmel could have confirmed Super Saiyan 4 Goku for Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

If Schemmel is to be believed, voice references from his performance in Super Saiyan 4 were used during recording for Zero spark. Fans thought Schemmel might have accidentally confirmed that Dragon Ball GT the content could possibly arrive Zero sparkalthough it will also be in DLC or in the base game.

Goku's voice actor previously revealed how much work he's done Zero spark, with the total length being around 60-80 hours of voice work, which includes not only the iconic hero, but also villain Goku Black, supporting characters like King Kai, and fusion characters like Gogeta and Vegito. However, this statement from Schemmel should not be taken as absolute fact until Bandai Namco and Spike Chunsoft reveal more. Zero spark and if GT will be represented.




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