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Reality TV Show Hawk Tuah Girl Coming Soon? Viral Sensation Hailey Welch's Inevitable Hollywood Debut Is In Sight

Reality TV Show Hawk Tuah Girl Coming Soon? Viral Sensation Hailey Welch's Inevitable Hollywood Debut Is In Sight
Reality TV Show Hawk Tuah Girl Coming Soon? Viral Sensation Hailey Welch's Inevitable Hollywood Debut Is In Sight


The latest internet sensation, Hailey Welch, aka the Hawk Tuah Girls, was simply inevitable. The Nashville girl is reportedly set to become an LA Baby where her showbiz dreams could very well make her a reality TV star, according to new reports.

Hawk Tuah's daughter claimed her parents found her viral video funny because they knew she could say anything. (X@planbriuncut)
Hawk Tuah's daughter claimed her parents found her viral video funny because they knew she could say anything. (X@planbriuncut)

On Saturday, TMZ revealed that sources directly involved in the project told them that Welch is already receiving offers for television shows. Producers are determined to create a reality show based on her life.

Focused on building a series around her bubbly personality, the showrunners are reportedly reaching out to people close to Hailey to better understand what type of series would bring out the best of her viral charms.

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Hollywood dreams of taking off for Hawk Tuah Girl Hailey Welch?

Producers aren't looking to pigeonhole her as just a viral internet sensation. Sources say Hollywood is also tapping into Welch for her candid, engaging and fun personality, which she showcased to the best of her ability on Brianna LaPaglia's recent Barstool podcast.

It seems these discussions are in their early stages and they are preparing for something larger than life. Meanwhile, Hawk Tuah Girl is weighing her options in discussions with her management team.

According to TMZ, they sat down over the long July 4th weekend, brainstorming best-case scenarios and discussing the case with talent agencies and producers.

No matter where she goes, Hailey knows full well that money makes the world go round. That's why, in an effort to expand her empire, she recently filed trademarks for her slogans through her company, 16 Minutes LLC.

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She rose to fame last month when TikTok creator @dmarloww asked her, “What’s the one move in bed that drives a man crazy?” Using euphemistic tones, Welch hilariously responded, “Ah, you gotta give him that hawk tuah and spit on that thing. You feel me?”

Things quickly took a wild turn for her, with TikTok and other social media platforms flooding with mentions of her and strings of related memes and the like. Since then, Welch has also found a rep with management company The Penthouse.

Agency founder Jonnie Forster told The Hollywood Reporter: “All the podcasters are right, spend five minutes with her and you'll understand why she's America's sweetheart.”

Meanwhile, Hailey herself expressed that the recent unfolding of events seemed like a fever dream to her. Please don't wake me up. Two weeks ago, it was just my grandmother and I in the small town of Belfast, Tennessee. Then I said something stupid and now my life has changed. Isn't God great?! I can't wait to see what happens next.




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