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Dubai Girl Famous In Bollywood And As Miss England 2020 Hope


Rysa saujani

Rysa saujani
Image Credit: Provided

Being born in Dubai has given Miss England 2020 finalist and Indian actress Rysa Saujani the much-needed edge in the beauty pageant that prides itself on diversity.

I was born in Dubai, I had incredible childhood memories there. I learned a lot about the different cultures and got a taste of multicultural life in Dubai, Saujani said in an exclusive interview with Gulf News by phone from the UK. She currently lives in Newbury and will be attending Grade 12 in September.

The 16-year-old, who attended Repton School in Dubai and Choueifat International School when she was young, believes her contact with the United Arab Emirates has made her part of life skills.

Rysa Saujani as Miss England 2020 prospect

Rysa Saujani as Miss England 2020 prospect
Image Credit: Provided

Because of my Asian heritage, I learned the importance of family, relationship building and respect between family members and for people outside. Being from England I learned a lot about focusing on my professional life and having the discipline to do things to the best of my ability, she said.

Saujani, whose grandparents still live in Dubai, also knows Bollywood. The model and actress portrayed young Sunny Leone in the hit web series ‘Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story of Sunny Leone’, which chronicles the fame and notoriety of the popular adult actress. Apart from that, Saujani also starred in the horror film Dobara, a Hindi adaptation of the Hollywood film ‘Oculus’, starring award-winning actor Adil Hussain.

She’s the star of the Miss England 2020 pageant, which essentially means she’s chosen to make the semi-finals without going through the first rounds of the pageant.

Excerpts from our interview with Saujani as we talk about mental health, the reviews around beauty pageants and keeping the faith alive

Beauty pageants are often criticized for reinforcing the idea that girls should be appreciated for their physical attributes and are superficial. What do you think about this?

Rysa saujani

Rysa saujani
Image Credit: Provided

There has been like a negative stigma around contests, but I feel like it’s so different when you’re involved in it because you realize there is so much more behind it. Everyone has always thought that contests are going to judge you purely on your appearance, but it’s the opposite. It’s more about your outlook on life now, what kind of person you are. It’s more what you think.

So it’s not just a question of world peace or cat fights between competitors

It’s more on the lines of beauty with a purpose rather than just that element of beauty. In Miss England 2020 we showcase our different talents and skills and they made it an inclusive environment for all kinds of women, every contestant is so supportive of each other’s successes and it’s such a nice environment because at the end of the day , I feel that your only competitor would be yourself. You don’t really have to be mean. Everyone is so adorable and the minute you win a prize everyone is congratulating you. It’s such a down to earth environment and everyone is very happy for you.

By speaking of beauty with purpose, you are championing the cause of sanity. Why did you choose this particular cause to defend?

Rysa saujani

Rysa saujani
Image Credit: Provided

Mental health problem is such a common problem that many are constantly faced with. The impact of social media on today’s youth is insane. There is so much negativity that can be found in our lives today and it has come to the point where because people who don’t see you face to face have this ability to say whatever they want without thinking about consequences.

Many more people should be talking about the importance of mental health. We need to standardize this topic and that’s why this was something I really wanted to talk about. I want everyone to be aware of this. The only way to understand it is to learn it. Somehow you will need to educate yourself and help yourself about mental health.

As a young teenager, have you survived any mental health issues in your life?

I have personally been in therapy for five years. Today, it might be the little things like our exam stress or the stress of friendships that are the problem. Therapy was an amazing thing for me. People are generally afraid to talk about it all. This is not a bad thing, and therapy makes it easier for you to express your feelings.

It helps you work on certain things to make yourself more comfortable in the form of a better person. Therapy is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a wonderful thing because it gives people the opportunity to talk about things that they are not comfortable talking about in a particular setting. During the stressful times in my life, it was just nice to sit down and talk about certain things.

Interesting that you talk about being vulnerable when beauty queens are stereotyped to maintain a flawless, flawless personality?

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Rysa as a child star in Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story
Image Credit: Zee5

It’s so important to be as real and vulnerable as possible because I feel like it’s unfair to give people the image that you have a perfect life. At the end of the day, everyone faces their own struggles and goes through a lot of things that they maybe aren’t necessarily going to show. Social media often makes you feel bad about yourself. Why is everything with them so perfect, you think. But this is obviously never the case.

The death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput in Bollywood has reignited debates about the importance of mental health, especially among public figures in the entertainment and modeling world. You are young and impressionable, but how do you keep the faith alive?

Being in such a competitive industry at such a young age has shaped me into who I am today. It taught me a lot of valuable lessons, especially about failure and refusing to stand up. You can go to around 100 or 200 auditions, but based on that, you will only be able to do one of them.

You may need to learn early that you might not get it all for many different reasons. For example, you might not be right about the role you’re auditioning for, but you can’t indulge in things like that. I’ve learned that you should never focus on the outcome. And this theory helped not to get excited about getting certain roles. When one door closes, another opens. I try not to dwell on things.

You played the younger version of Sunny Leone in her web series about her life. Leone is a polarizing figure in the entertainment world. Did you have any reservations about assuming such a role?

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Rysa Saujani and Sunny Leone
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No, not at all Playing young Sunny Leone was such a difficult role because it required you to be vulnerable and honest with yourself. I wanted to play this role in the most realistic way possible.

When I was offered to play the role of young Sunny Leone, I searched for her on Google and it was confusing at first because you’re not sure what to think about her. But after reading the script, I felt it was such a beautifully staged story and I really wanted to do it justice. Growing up in my house, we were always taught not to judge anyone. And did you know she was severely bullied at school? It is such a current problem in today’s society.

Many tend to trust their first impressions of someone when they don’t really know them. My experiences with Sunny Leone have been incredible. She was one of the most down to earth and humble people I have ever met. When we were together on set, she always watched me to make sure I was okay. She even took me to dinner once and she was so sweet. Ideally, we shouldn’t form preemptive opinions without really knowing a person and learning their story, because so much more happens behind closed doors.

What does it take to be a beauty queen? Are you on a strict diet and exercise program?

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Rysa saujani
Image Credit: Provided

I think it’s important to stay disciplined, but not to put too much pressure on yourself for the outcome. While you should make sure that you take care of yourself, I can never put too much pressure on myself to be that idealistic and role model person. It goes against what competitions represent today. Today’s contests aim to represent diversity through different types of people who project a natural image of women as opposed to what others might think of them.

The idea is not to be the most perfect person with the most perfect body, the skin It is not real Everyone has their own uniqueness and I think that is something that is more important for them. people to understand.


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Rysa Saujani Behind The Scenes Of Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story
Image Credit: Provided

I wanted to promote the subject of emotional intelligence where young people learn to fight against the challenges of life. They are allowed to indulge in their emotions and understand why they are feeling certain things. Mental health and emotional intelligence are subjects that should be made compulsory in all schools so that people can understand each other.

Did you know?

Rysa saujani

Rysa saujani
Image Credit: Provided

Rysa Saujani will compete with 19 other finalists at Miss England 2020. The winner will represent Miss World.

The reason I wanted to participate in Miss England is because it was an opportunity to grow up putting yourself in unpredictable situations which requires you to be completely vulnerable and honest. Competitions like this put a lot of people out of their comfort zone and that’s how you really develop resilience to what life has to offer you all the time.

Saujani will be studying in grade 12 in September and has chosen to study psychology, business and English literature.

I put a lot of faith in education. I am hard working and have always enjoyed learning.

Miss England 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, like many other events, the Miss England pageant was forced to cancel a series of events scheduled between March-June 2020.

The semi-final was scheduled to take place on June 8, but due to social distancing and lockdown restrictions this was not possible so it was uploaded. Rysa Saujani won two awards, winning public and social media votes.

Organizer Angie Beasley said she hoped to host Miss England’s next final in October or early next spring depending on UK government restrictions, but was not ruling out a final virtual-style event to pick the next winner for the 70th Miss. World in 2021.

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