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Hannah died at Bly Manor? Haunting of Bly Manor Episode 5 Explained

Hannah died at Bly Manor?  Haunting of Bly Manor Episode 5 Explained
Hannah died at Bly Manor?  Haunting of Bly Manor Episode 5 Explained


Mike Flanagans’ latest horror series The Haunting of Bly Manor landed on Netflix this weekend, just in time for fans to get into the Halloween spirit.

Based on the classic Henry James novel The Turn of the Screw, the Haunting of Hill House spin-off follows au pair Dani, who is hired to look after the Wingrave children of a haunted country estate, with the cast of The Haunting of Bly Manor. from various actors from the first series such as Victoria Pedretti, Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Henry Thomas.

However, franchise newcomer TNia Miller also appears in the series as estate housekeeper Hannah Grose, who ** spoiler alert ** is pushed into a well by a vengeful ghost in the fifth episode of the series.

While this revelation turned out to be shocking, some fans were confused by Hannah’s presence throughout the series and in scenes that took place after her apparent death, is the housekeeper really dead? And how can she talk to her living colleagues?

Here’s everything you need to know to find out if Hannah actually died in The Haunting of Bly Manor.

Hannah died at Bly Manor?

In episode five of the series, housekeeper Hannah (TNia Miller) apparently meets her untimely death after being pushed into a well by young Miles Wingrave (Benjamin Evan Ainsworth), who was possessed by the ghost of Peter Quint ( Oliver Jackson-Cohen), the former employee of the estate and victim of the Lady at the Lake (Kate Siegel).

It is then revealed that Hannah was killed shortly before Dani arrived at the mansion and therefore was unknowingly a ghost from that point on.

The shocking revelation explains Hannah’s odd behavior throughout the series, her memory loss and frequent flashbacks to memorable moments of hers at the Estate.

Talk to The Wrap About her characters’ demise, Miller said: With Hannah, she’s so ingrained in this denial of what’s really going on in her life, she’s able to sustain that existence here and now in a way that others characters cannot.

She added that when Hannah flies off to various memories as a means of solace, especially those involving Bly Manor boss Owen (Rahul Kohli), whom she falls in love with.

Owen and Hannah

Owen and Hannah

I think because Owen, for Hannah, is her rock, her happy place, her place of comfort, she said. This is the time after all these years of being sterile and not having a man to sleep with because her husband left with another woman, this is the time when she falls in love unexpectedly. And it really is love at first sight. Here is this handsome young man who had this opportunity in Paris and who came back to take care of his mom, and damn, the man knows how to cook! Hes a catch, what not to like?

She continued: At that point, she finally said, Sod, that. I will do that. I fucking love you. You know what, yeah But by the time she says that, the memories, the dreams, she’s less and less able to deny that she’s not there. This moment literally occurs before the episode where she left. And it’s just tearing up her too late months, but for her, her too late moments. And they will never be able to share this life.

Hannah finally breaks the loop of memories she got stuck in when she decides in a later episode to save Owen, Dani (Victoria Pedretti), Jamie (Amelia Eve) and the children of Peter and the Lady of the Lake.

When Owen says by the fire, you know what I noticed about you, you pay attention to everyone. And she says: Well, it’s my job, because it’s just her innate self, Miller explained.

She is therefore unable to stay in that memory any longer, knowing what is really looming on the outside. Knowing what is happening and the danger that is happening to these children, she cannot stay in this place because her babies and all her family are in danger. And that’s what forces her out.

To have more show mysteries unraveled, you can read our explanation of The Haunting of Bly Manor ending.

Looking for something else to watch? Check out our guide to the best series atNetflixand best moviesNetflix, or visit our TV guide.

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