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Jon Stewart Apple TV + series details, premise and release date


We are living in the most unpredictable week, in the most unpredictable year, of what we hope will not be the most unpredictable decade. Perfect time to be one week away from the most important election of our lives so far. But the East an element of our pre-Trump era that we can count on no matter what next week – Jon Steward behind a desk.

Tuesday afternoon, Apple TV + ad that he teamed up with the former host of The daily show on a “new original news series”. The unnamed TV series – which does not yet have a release date – will mark Stewart’s first return to host his own show since his Daily show released in 2015. According to the press release from Apple TV +, Stewart’s series seems a little less leaning Daily showand a little more Last week tonight with John Oliver, with insights into unique issues:

“The multi-season, one-hour, one-issue series will explore topics that are currently part of the national conversation and its advocacy work. Each season of the series will be explored in more detail in a companion podcast to continue the discussion. “

It’s taken a long time for the return of Stewart, who has probably seen most of these days (or, at least before the pandemic) appear on a weird cameo The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and fight on behalf of the 9/11 first responders outside Congress. You may remember that Stewart had something big in the kitchen with HBO a few years ago – an animated TV series in short form – but those plans were mutually exclusive. discarded in 2017. Aside from that, Stewart put his energy into advocacy work, in addition to directing the political comedy directed by Steve Carell this summer, Irresistible.

It might be a bit before we have more details on Stewart’s show. He’ll probably have to, you know, tweak the game plan slightly depending on who’s going to win the presidency. But seven days from the anguished candidacy for the country’s top job, it’s certainly nice to know that a familiar face is back in action.

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