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Bollywood Roundup: Ekta Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, Aayush Sharma, and more…


Ekta Kapoor (Photo: Twitter)

Ekta Kapoor forced to remove her rings because of an allergy to soap!

Mumbai– Because of her firm belief in astrology, producer Ekta Kapoor has always been seen wearing many rings and bracelets. However, on Monday, she removed her rings after developing an allergy that was triggered by overuse of soap and disinfectant, following the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

On her Instagram account, Ekta posted a video in which she is seen showing off her fingers without her rings.

“Meanwhile in other news! Thanos left the building !!! It has destroyed the world enough! I laugh!!! #goinghandsfree #onehandatatime, ”she wrote in the caption.

Ekta’s video left social media users, including his industry friends, stunned.

Actress Hina commented: “you kaise hua (how did it happen)?”

Responding to Hina, Ekta said, “Allergy due to excessive use of soap and disinfectant. Will be back after the break. “

When asked by a user how many years she had removed these rings, Ekta commented, “2003, I started.”

Akshay, Ayushmann, Tiger, Kriti in an inspiring song in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis

Mumbai– Akshay Kumar, Ayushmann Khurrana, Tiger Shroff, Kartik Aaryan, Ananya Panday, Kriti Sanon, RajkummarRao and Taapsee Pannu are part of a slew of Bollywood celebrities appearing in a new song, “Muskurayega India”, which aims to stimulate people’s minds in the fight against the new coronavirus.

Akshay Kumar

Sung by Vishal Mishra, the video for the song begins with a speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Rakul Preet, Sidharth Malhotra and cricketer Shikhar Dhawan are also part of the song.

In the video, the actors can be seen urging the Indians to spread smiles.

Akshay went to Instagram and shared the song link. “All we need is a united position. Aur phir #MuskurayegaIndia! Share with your family and friends, ”he wrote.

“Muskurayega India” was presented by JJust Music by Jackky Bhagnani in association with Cape of Good Films by Akshay Kumar.

Aayush Sharma’s quarantine task is to make her daughter smile

Mumbai– It seems like a fairly difficult task for actor Aayush Sharma to make his three-month-old daughter Ayat smile.

Monday, Aayush posted a video that shows him tickling Ayat.

“Quarantine Drill No. 1 Make this grumpy Smile,” he captioned the video.

Aayush and his wife Arpita, sister of superstar Salman Khan, welcomed their daughter in December 2019. They also have a son, Ahil, who recently turned 4 years old.

On the work front, Aayush will be seen in “Kwatha”, which is inspired by real life events and takes place in a military context. Aayush plays an army officer in the direction of Karan Bhutani, who also stars Katrina Kaif’s sister, Isabelle Kaif, in her Bollywood debut.

Anuja Sathe on the challenges of playing mafia queen

Mumbai– Actress Anuja Sathe says trying out the role of a mafia queen in the web series “Ek Thi Begum” required immense emotional and mental investment.

“We’ve usually seen movies and stories about the mafia / male-led donations, this story is about a woman rising above her troubles and becoming the mafia queen of her time,” said Anuja .

“I have played a variety of roles before, but it is an opportunity that I simply could not let pass. Ashraf has many nuances for her and to reflect that on the screen was a challenge that I wanted to meet. It took a huge emotional and mental investment. I hope people enjoy and appreciate the series as much as we have, ”she added.

Set in the 1980s in Mumbai, the original MX series “Ek thi Begum” tells the life of Ashraf Bhatkar alias Sapna (played by Anuja). Her life changed when the city’s biggest gift Maqsood (Ajay Gehi) became responsible for the death of her husband Zaheer (Ankit Mohan).

The episodic series 14 is created, written and directed by Sachin Darekar. Inspired by real events, the series will be broadcast on MX Player from April 8.

Speaking of the project, Darekar said: “This story brilliantly captures the resilient strength of a woman who has been pushed to the brink but who emerges as a dominant force. All the characters play a crucial role in the story and they really brought this project to life with their performance. “

Karan Wahi wishes his girlfriend Uditi a happy birthday

Mumbai– It’s the birthday of actor Karan Wahi’s girlfriend Uditi Singh today, and the first wrote an article for her.

Karan Wahi (Photo: Twitter)

“Happpy happy bday baby … It’s not the best time to celebrate your birthday but can you find happiness in everything around you … To celebrate much more together,” Karan wrote on Instagram.

Along with that, Karan posted a photo in which he is seen making cute expressions with Uditi.

Karan released his relationship in January of this year.

While sharing a photo of the two of them, Karan wrote: “Waise toh main kaaafi sakht launda hoon by isss baar main pighal Gaya”.

The legend was inspired by the famous puncline of the actor Zakir Khan.

On a professional level, Karan recently organized a chat show, featuring cricketers in a candid atmosphere.

This is why Richa Chadha was first depressed when locking

Mumbai– From cooking to broom and fan entertainment by making the series of parody news, Richa Chadha has made the best use of her lockout hours.

Richa chadha

However, it is not always easy to stay involved in a confined lifestyle and Richa first became depressed when she saw the death toll from the new coronavirus.

“During the first week of isolation, I myself was depressed watching the death toll from this deadly virus and those suffering from the isolation. It made me anxious.

“So I decided to do something. As my donations for the disadvantaged continue, I wanted to create something that would make people smile. “

She added, “Worrying about what’s in the store could push us into a dark space. I don’t make fun of the disease and its impact, just trying to point out that even under these conditions, there are sometimes bizarre news that can make you laugh despite yourself.

“For reality and truth, there is the news but I wanted to make satire that would elevate our collective minds in these times.”

Speaking of Richa’s personal life, she and her handsome Ali Fazal postponed their marriage until the end of the year in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. They were to be married in April.

Sara Ali Khan’s Locking Mantra: Riyaz, Training, Rehearsal

Mumbai– Actress Sara Ali Khan has tips for her fans to overcome the boredom of the lockdown – especially the Monday blues during the ongoing lockdown of COVID-19.

Sara Ali Khan in Kedarnath

On Instagram, Sara posted a dance rehearsal video. In addition, the aspiring actress seemed in a poetic mood, rhyming her advice in the legend.

“Monday motivation … Sara’s suggestion – dance edition … Revisit any previous tradition … Riyaaz, training, rehearsal … Everything will come to fruition … And of course – I must mention In this quarantine ‘ any routine will help your condition. # Sarakishayari # QuarantineKiTayari #stayhome #staysafe, “she wrote.

Reacting to the publication, one user commented: “Motivation essential.”

Another commented: “Magnificent and incredible.”

In terms of work, Sara will then be seen facing Varun Dhawan in the remake of “Coolie No.1”. She will also be seen sharing the screen space with Dhanush and Akshay Kumar in “Atrangi Re”.

Priyank Sharma confirms her relationship with Benafsha with a beloved photo

Mumbai– Actor Priyank Sharma has made official his relationship with Benafsha Soonawala, a roommate from “Bigg Boss 11”, with a pasty online photo.

In the photo, the two are dressed, Priyank’s lips on the cheek. He simply captioned it: “Confirmation”, with a red heart emoji.

Benafsha also used the same image and obtained little music for the legend. She used the lyrics from pop star Justin Bieber’s song for this. She wrote: “No one can keep me like you, call it unconventional, my love is usual.”

It may be their “confirmation” photo, but they often went to Instagram to post their photos, which has long been speculating about their relationship with fans.

The duo were seen sharing a screen during their visit to the house “Bigg Boss 11” in 2017. Even after the show, they became friends and now this has finally resulted in an official relationship.

Benafsha made his film debut in 2019 with “Chopsticks”. (IANS)

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