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Weird reality shows we loved to hate in 2020


2020 is the year Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the mother of all trashy reality TV shows, finally stumbled across Netflix India. The show ends its 20 seasons in 2021, but at least it will remain available for our viewing pleasure. But India is no stranger to television, there are tons of such shows in the fictional space. In non-fiction, reality shows like Roadies, Splitsvilla, and the biggest of all, Bigg Boss, have been entertaining us for years now.

In its 14th season this year, Bigg Boss seems to have lost some of its appeal, as the frenzy of frenzy becomes a reality for OTT junkies. While other streaming platforms have yet to catch the trend, Netflix has a bunch of reality shows that were weird and irrelevant. Here’s our pick of the squeaky reality TV shows that have added color and chatter to this depressing year.

Indian matchmaking

Weddings are a major issue in India, so it’s no wonder that a show about elite twinning actually creates the most ripple. Sima Taparia from Mumbai has embodied all that is wrong and regressive about the Indian matchmaking scene. She represented the lineup of judging aunts that single Indian women usually dread. The show emphasizes that if you don’t end up with someone at some point in life, you’re a big loser. The unreal expectations of the matchmaking scene have exposed the hypocrisy of the entire system. It was cringe-worthy, revolting and triggering, but almost impossible to ignore. Countless memes were born from the show and made it a part of the pop discourse within days. Still recovering from its after-effects.

what is love

Before Indian Matchmaking viewers were furious, Karan Johar tried to play Cupid in What The Love. This dating show, again on Netflix, was billed as a dream come true for attendees whose idea of ​​romance is colored by the romantic films of Karan Johars. What could be better than the filmmaker himself finding potential dates for them, right? The set of shows was reminiscent of one of Johar’s cotton candy movies, and there was just as much seriousness that was attributed to something far more serious and emotional, like love. The show seemed like an exercise for Karan Johar to get real people to dress like Rahul and Tina to prove that his gyan love actually works in real life. Easy peasy!

The fabulous life of Bollywood brides

Billed as the Indians’ response to the Kardashians, we expected this one to be this mean and outspoken as well. Depending on Karan Johars’ penchant for controversial issues on his show Koffee, one might expect fireworks in this one. But all we got was a toothless glimpse into the brilliant lives of Bhavana Panday, Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari and Seema Khan. The women weren’t half as bi ** hy as the Kardashian sisters, and every little conflict was resolved amicably. Considering Johars loves lip gloss, he certainly let his friends go easily in this one. The last episode was a long streak of praise by none other than Shah Rukh Khan. Not enough fodder for gossip webzines, sure, but this one is a guilty pleasure that no Bollywood lover can resist.

Love is blind

This dating show has a unique premise that singles meet and get engaged without ever seeing each other face to face. 30 singles are kept at a facility in Atlanta, where men and women live separately and only meet in chat pods, separated by a frosted glass divider. After 10 days, they must either get engaged or leave. Given the unrealistic circumstances people are supposed to find love in, the show is creepy addictive. It goes under your skin, and you will be surprised at the emotional investment you have made in the lives of these participants who themselves come to doubt their decisions towards the end. I mean, you know they’re prepared for a disaster, and there’s nothing you can do about it, but you’re still investing your time in it. Guilty pleasure doesn’t get any better than that.

Too hot to handle it

It is in the same league as Love Is Blind, the men and women gathered in a brilliant retreat on a desert island should give up all sexual activity. No kisses, no contact. The temptation is there, but if you give in, the cash price goes down. The show proves that reality TV has come a long way since the days of Celebrity Big Brother, when a little privacy would hit the tabloids. By removing the cock from the table, that’s what Too Hot to Handle becomes all about. The show pushes contestants to have sex at every turn, just for the show. But despite the hot premise, the show never manages to take off. It’s preached on abstinence, the contestants aren’t sympathetic and the finale is pretty blah. It’s not the best thing to chase your pandemic blues away, but if you’re a dashing one, you might want to check this one out.

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