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What happened at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles? Netflix is ​​on the case


The Cecil Hotel, a notorious landmark in downtown LA known for its disturbing history of suicides, deaths and violence, goes to Hollywood, via Netflixs Crime Scene. The streamer released a trailer for the upcoming True Crime series on Tuesday.

Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel will focus on the disappearance of Elisa Lam, 21, a Canadian tourist who disappeared in 2013 from the tourist and residential hotel on Main Street near Skid Row.

What do you think people imagine when they imagine the Cecil Hotel ?, asks a man in the trailer. A former hotel manager replies: is there a room here that someone might not have died in? I never got used to it. I never got used to it.

The Cecil is labeled Hotel Death and is known for his dark persona, who includes more than his fair share of suicides and crimes.

Another woman says in the trailer: This is a place where serial killers let their hair down. Like Richard Ramirez [the Night Stalker], who would come back covered in blood, and no one had a problem with that.

The series appears to focus on surveillance footage released by the LAPD in 2013 showing Lam behaving strangely in and around an elevator. This sequence, which shows her pushing buttons for multiple floors and exiting the elevator waving her arms, was the source of much international speculation at the time of her disappearance, and thereafter.

The video went viral on a Chinese video site, where it garnered more than 3 million views and 40,000 comments in 10 days.

Amateur detectors focused on the case, publishing theories about what could have happened to the young woman. International media, especially in Canada and China, continued their coverage of the story even after Lams’ body was discovered.

Regular Times readers might recall where Lams’ body was found, although we’re not spoiling that here for viewers who want the story to unfold for them from February 10 on Netflix.

This is not the first project inspired by the Cecil Hotel and the events that took place there. It was the spark behind Season 5 of American Horror Story, Subtitled hotel. A Sony Pictures feature film project about Lam’s disappearance, titled The Bringing, was written in 2014 and went into pre-production in 2016, according to IMDb Pro, but ended up in the turnaround months later, despite the presence of actor Michael Pea.

In 2015, the hotel, which was built in the 1920s, operated part of itself as an inn called Stay on Main, though that wasn’t the end of its suicides. The following year, a $ 100 million overhaul of the former prostitution and drug haunt was announced by a developer in New York City, but that has yet to happen.

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