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Fashion Designer Emphasizes Rubber Fetish Looks For The Office

Fashion Designer Emphasizes Rubber Fetish Looks For The Office



Who said latex is NSFW?

A Dutch fashion designer is expanding the definition of proper office attire by releasing form-fitting rubber outfits for professionals.

“My line is for women, crossdressers and anyone who likes to look clean and sleek,” designer Sebastian Cauchos told Jam Press.

The fashionista from Amsterdam offers a chic collection of latex cardigans, blouses, turtlenecks and other loose, form-fitting garments befitting a sexy vampire hunter.

While latex is often associated with dominatrixes and various sexual issues, Cauchos hopes to bring the heavily stigmatized material into the mainstream.

“I’ve always wondered why latex should be such a taboo material when you can make very elegant outfits out of it,” said the fashion pioneer, who has worked with the stretchy material since he was a student.


“There are many latex designers out there these days, but the one thing that sets my work apart from everyone else is that I make modest, conservative latex fashion,” says designer Sebastian Cauchos.

Does anyone have latex scarves?

Does anyone have latex scarves?

These form-fitting rubber designs extend the definition of office chic.

These form-fitting rubber designs extend the definition of office chic.

Cauchos no longer wants latex to be synonymous with dominatrixes and other fetishes.

Cauchos no longer wants latex to be synonymous with dominatrixes and other fetishes.

As such, her fashion-redefining items include a rubber blouse with puffy sleeves, rubber scarves, and an all-black latex turtleneck seemingly peeled off from Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman in “Batman Returns.” Cauchos even sells latex ties and blazers as something worn by a dom in an office porn scenario.

Need something for a casual Friday? Fear not, you’ll also find pencil skirts and bespoke polo shirts and t-shirts. However, these supposedly understated outfits are perhaps somewhat undermined by their material, making them stand out like a freshly waxed Honda.

“I like it when women look prude and conservative, with or without latex,” confesses the Dutch pioneer of his Matrix-esque designs.


“I’m known for my modest pieces like turtlenecks, high neck shirts and scarves,” describes the designer.

Cauchos admits latex can be tricky to put on and work with.

Cauchos admits latex can be tricky to put on and work with.

Cauchos invites office workers to enter the latex matrix.

Cauchos invites office workers to enter the latex matrix.

Nevertheless, these outfits are still a far cry from the extravagant latex outfits of the S&M scene and other rubber-loving circles.

“There are many latex designers out there these days, but the one thing that sets my work apart from everyone else is that I make latex in a modest, conservative fashion,” Cauchos insists.

He even warns future office workers to avoid the “cliché that latex has to be sexy, kinky, body-revealing” because “everyone’s already doing that.”

Cauchos hopes to break the stigma of latex as a fetish garment.
Cauchos hopes to break the stigma of latex as a fetish garment.
Jam Press/Sebastian Cauchos
A mannequin shows off one of Cauchos' rubber opuses.
A mannequin shows off one of Cauchos’ rubber opuses.
Jam Press/Sebastian Cauchos
One of the most elaborate latex outfits.
One of the most elaborate latex outfits.
Jam Press/Sebastian Cauchos

“These days what I say now becomes almost controversial,” the latex-pert added. “But let it be, I don’t care.”

Despite his love of latex, Cauchos admits the material can be difficult for both the wearer and the maker. “I like latex because it sucks [to work with as a material but I like a challenge],” he said. “[…] but it’s hard to talk and dress [in it].”

He added: “But that’s one of the reasons I’m in love with it.”

Those looking for something more casual can purchase one of Cauchos' latex polo shirts or t-shirts.
Those looking for something more casual can purchase one of Cauchos’ latex polo shirts or t-shirts.
Jam Press/Sebastian Cauchos
“Stay away from the cliché that latex has to be sexy, kinky, body-revealing,” warns Cauchos. “That’s what everyone is already doing.”
Jam Press/Sebastian Cauchos
“I appreciate when women look prudish and conservative, with or without latex,” Cauchos said.
Jam Press/Sebastian Cauchos

Here’s hoping these outfits don’t fall apart when the rubber meets the road.

You thought latex office attire was risque? In September, models redefined the sex tape after walking the runway on New York Fashion Week Sunday in skimpy swimsuits made entirely of different types of tape.




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