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Check out these 2023 fashion trends and be the most stylish man in your group

Check out these 2023 fashion trends and be the most stylish man in your group
Check out these 2023 fashion trends and be the most stylish man in your group


The end of each year often leads us to evaluate the past year and prepare for the next. While the New Year brings many opportunities to elevate your life through resolutions, it also ushers in a whole new set of fun new rules for your wardrobe. Fashion trends come and go every year, but each year also brings a new crop of fun trends to experiment with. 2023 is no different, as it offers a whole host of fun new fashion developments. Here is a collection of the upcoming dress trends of 2023 to watch.

Harry Styles in a magenta blazer and baggy jeans

Sacred Magenta

Every year, the folks at Pantone give us the color of the year, giving a little taste of what colors the fashion industry will be pushing. For 2023, men will need to figure out how to wear the purplish-pink colored magenta.

Many guys will have a visceral reaction to the idea of ​​wearing not just pink, but a loud and bright version. While you can see Harry Styles sporting the color in the form of a sports coat above, if you’re a little hesitant to stand out with this bold color, find subtle ways to incorporate it into your wardrobe without be overwhelming, as with a magenta tie or pocket square.

Two men wearing caps and jackets facing backwards

Welcome to the 80s and 90s

Break out your braided belts, your chained wallets and your Charlotte Hornets starter jackets because the 1990s are back, baby. If you’ve lived more than 20 years, you’ve probably discovered that fashion is cyclical. Women have ditched the low-rise jeans of the early 2000s and taken over the ultra-high-rise cuts of the 80s and 90s. We’re about to do the same, as menswear goes back a few decades to find the inspiration.

More specifically, the turtleneck and leather are among the trends that return this year. Spruce up some of your suits with a turtleneck instead of a dress shirt, and rock your moto-chic look with a nice piece of leather. Or modernize them both by combining them and wear a black turtleneck under your leather jacket for the ultimate 2023 style.

Two means in casual dress

Athleisure reluctantly takes us back to the office

We are now two years away from the 2020 pandemic, and our bosses are starting to ogle desks again. Regardless of whether the world is ready for it, many industries will abandon the work-from-home dynamic and ask their employees to return. Like it or not, you might have to take off the sweatpants and get dressed for work.

Of course, fashion brands anticipated this moment and doubled down on athleisure. Many brands are softening their chino materials and embracing stretchy fabrics. These more breathable garments will bridge the gap between your Saturday joggers and your old casual clothes.

A photo of a man in dressy casual shoes

Hybrid shoes blend our home and work life

Shoemakers are not left behind as they adjust their products to meet the demands of returning to the office. While dress shoes with more than one basketball sole aren’t new, expect them to explode even more in 2023. Ditch the hard-soled leather shoes and opt for something more comfortable you will keep you moving without destroying your feet now that they’re more used to slippers than ever.

Don’t stop at hybrid dress shoes with the sneaker sole; look for dressy sneakers to complete a collection of hybrid shoes. While the hybrid dress shoe can dress up one outfit, the dress sneaker can dress up another. There is no need to update your entire shoe cabinetbut they are the perfect additions in 2023.

Man buttoning a tweed suit jacket

The relaxed fit finally keeps us comfortable

If you’re the type of person who gave in to fashion trends over the past decade, you’ve probably gone super skinny with your suits. After seeing Daniel Craig in Spectrumor Tom Hiddleston inThor: Ragnorakyou may have missed talk to a tailor to see if you had the physique to pull off the painted suit. In 2023, it’s time to pull off those ultra-thin wetsuits and relax.

The trend in costume making is moving more towards modern or contemporary cuts. A more relaxed fit in the pant leg and suit jacket follows the same trend as the rest of the fashion industry in trying to keep you comfortable when you return to the office.

A man sitting on a fence post and wearing jeans, a polka dot shirt, a brown vest, a cowboy hat da tan

western wear

You can thank Kevin Costner, Cole Hauser and Taylor Sheridan for theYellowstonecultural phenomenon. Not only did this cause people to start seeing cowboys as cool again, but it impacted the fashion world by bringing back western clothing. That doesn’t mean you have to wear your Wranglers, Justin Boots and Stetson cowboy hat to the office, but it does mean the rugged ranchhand look is in order for 2023.

If you are new to country clothes, start with denim shirts and canvas or waxed jackets. Shop at western stores or workwear stores to find items that can fit subtly into your wardrobe without giving the impression that you’ve gone entirely native and bought a ranch in Montana.

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