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Eco-fashion pioneer Jeff Garner gets backing from the

Eco-fashion pioneer Jeff Garner gets backing from the


Knoxville, TENN, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Redford Center has announced that it will provide fiscal sponsorship for a documentary on sustainable fashion produced by Prophetik designer and eco-fashion pioneer Jeff Garner with the Knoxville-based agency Designsensory and its production partner PopFizz.

The Redford Center is a non-profit organization in the United States dedicated exclusively to producing environmental impact films. As a fiscal sponsor, they provide support to filmmakers by managing donated funds and ensuring they are used for their intended purpose, while allowing creators to retain complete creative control over their work. The Redford Center harnesses the power of the media to captivate audiences with compelling stories that inspire them to take action for the environment.

The documentary Let Them Be Naked (working title) will delve deeper into the discovery of the health implications of toxins and dyes used in the manufacture and production of modern clothing. As host, Garner will connect with industry forerunners who are developing innovative solutions to reliance on petroleum-based fibers and heavily loaded chemical processes to deliver safer, non-toxic garments that take into account the human and planetary health.

Garner, who was just named Global Sustainability Fashion Chair for Global Greens, contacted Designsensory to collaborate on this project after the success of their 2017 Emmy Award-winning documentary, Remastered., profiling Garner’s shrewd approach to substance and durability in the fashion industry. Let Them Be Naked is not only timely, but also deeply personal for Garner, who has lost loved ones to cancer and exposure to harmful chemicals.

We are so lucky to have met Jeff while filming Remastered for the Tennessee Department of Economic Development, says Designsensory co-founder Joseph Nother, who is also executive producer and co-creator of this new program. We are honored to work with him again on this important project which not only advances his influential work, but also highlights the importance of sustainably produced fashion.

Designsensory has already begun filming, traveling to Los Angeles during Oscars week to capture interviews with research organizations, activists, journalists and celebrities at the forefront of the sustainable fashion movement. The team will continue to shape the project over the next 12 months, with donor support through the Redford Center.

Madelyn Cunningham, Designsensory Director of Branded and Original Content, is producing the documentary and was in Los Angeles for filming. Cunningham comments, Jeff’s activism has generated relationships with some of the leading social and academic voices in sustainability, and it has been an honor to witness their commitment and creativity. We hope this documentary inspires viewers to overcome the apathy and paralysis that so often accompanies this topic.

For more information about the project, or to donate, visit:



Prophetik is established in the USA and is quickly becoming the label synonymous with ethical fashion driven design in the UK with acclaim from the mainstream fashion media.

A favorite of the press and a leading voice in ethical fashion, Jeff has dressed many artists such as artists Sheryl Crow, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Kings of Leon, activist Livia Firth and advocate for environment Suzy Cameron.


Co-founded in 2005 by actor Robert Redford and his son James Redford, The Redford Center is a non-profit organization that advances environmental solutions through the power of moving stories. The Redford Center has produced three award-winning feature documentaries and over 40 short films, supported over 150 film and media projects with grants and other services, inspired the creation of over 550 student films, and distributed over 12 million dollars to environmental film projects. The Redford Center’s impact films and campaigns have stopped the construction of dirty coal plants, restored the Colorado River Delta, reconnected people to nature, and helped accelerate the clean energy revolution and transportation solutions clean in communities across America. For more information, visit


Designsensory, founded in 2001 by Joseph Nother and Brandon Rochelle, is an award-winning research, branding, design and digital agency that helps support and grow strong brands. We create connections between clients and their clients through the strategic use of design, content and technology.





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