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Pharrell includes a Princess Anne High School letterman jacket in his first Louis Vuitton collection

Pharrell includes a Princess Anne High School letterman jacket in his first Louis Vuitton collection



Pharrell paid homage to his country of origin with the “LVERS” collection. Virginia Beach natives Pusha T and No Malice walked the runway for the first time at Paris Fashion Week.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginie Virginia and the 757 were recognized at Pharrell William’s debut Louis Vuitton collection and fashion show at Paris Fashion Week on Tuesday.

THE Louis Vuitton Men’s Spring Summer 2024 Collection is Pharrell’s first collection with the brand since becoming creative director of menswear at Louis Vuitton.

The Virginia Beach native paid homage to his home with the “LVERS” collection, creatively combining the brand’s iconic initials with the Virginia state motto.

He even paid homage to his former playground, Princess Anne High School, with an iconic red letter jacket, paired with a black skirt and a Louis duffel bag.

Celebrities such as Jay Z, Beyonce, Zendaya, Louis Hamilton, Megan Thee Stallion and Kim Kardashian were there to admire the designs.

Virginia Beach natives and brothers Pusha T and No Malice took part in the show. The hip hop duo, otherwise known as Clipse, also took the opportunity to release a new track with Pharrell.

Pusha T wore a long dust jacket and No Malice wore a matching jacket and pants. Both had text on the chest that read “The Louis Vuitton Lovers Presents” with images of the waterfront and waves behind.

According an interview Pharrell did with Vogue magazinethe show featured several new tracks produced by Williams, including Joy (Unspeakable), performed by a Virginia-based gospel choir called Voices of Fire.

The deliberate ties to Virginia and Hampton Roads have been applauded by many on social media, including Virginia State Senator Aaron Rouse.

“Incredibly proud of Pharrell” Rouse said in an Instagram post. “He never forgot where he came from, VIRGINIE! He always represented VA to the fullest. This is Paris, the world stage! He brought the world to VA with Something In The Water, now he brings VA to the world !”

“Pharrell literally went to Princess Anne High School and he just ran his own Louis Vuitton release event,” another person posted on Facebook. “He’s our ‘GOAT’ man. Hands down.”




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