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Ohio State men's basketball upsets No. 2 Purdue in shocking fashion

Ohio State men's basketball upsets No. 2 Purdue in shocking fashion
Ohio State men's basketball upsets No. 2 Purdue in shocking fashion


Ten years ago, Jake Diebler was a video coordinator at Ohio State University. Five years ago, Diebler became an assistant coach for the Ohio State basketball team.

Today, Diebler won his first basketball game as interim head coach of the Ohio State basketball team just four nights after taking the job with an upset of No. 2 Purdue 73-69.

Against a tall opponent, let's face it, the 7'4 Zach Edey Ohio State protected Value City Arena with everything they could on Sunday. Initially trailing 0-8, the hot hands of Bruce Thornton guided the Buckeyes to knot the score at 16, before leading the Boilermakers by five points at the break (35-30). Thornton led the team with 22 field goals on the night.

Bruce Thornton (2) and Jamison Battle (10) celebrate in Ohio State's men's basketball game against Purdue, 73-69.Bruce Thornton (2) and Jamison Battle (10) celebrate in Ohio State's men's basketball game against Purdue, 73-69.

Although the Buckeyes couldn't touch the nation's No. 2 rebounding team, they hit with something in their own arsenal: accuracy. Ohio State shot 48 percent from the field as a team, with nine of its 11 players making shots. Its depth speaks for itself, 26 bench points, compared to Purdue's four while shooting 7-21 from behind the arc on Purdue's three three-pointers.

That three-point shot came in handy when the Boilermakers began to take a lead on Ohio State in the second half. Jamison Battle found himself dancing around the line to score three unanswered triples, giving Ohio State its largest lead of the night 50-38.

Purdue relied on the paint and foul shooting to cut its deficit to 65-65 with less than two minutes to play, and even tried to end the commotion with an Edey dunk 16 seconds into the game. END.

However, four free throws made by Thornton and Battle were all the Buckeyes needed to usher in the legal storm. And this moment:

Diebler was placed in charge on Valentine's Day, following the firing of head coach Chris Holtmann for seven years. The day before, the Buckeyes recorded another loss to No. 20 Wisconsin by a margin of 62-54, as they continued their struggle to reach their record this season, following a 5-game losing streak earlier this year. They now sit at 15-11 overall this year, and just 5-10 in Big Ten play.

But who knows? Maybe a new pair of eyes was just what the Buckeyes needed.

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