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14 Free People Dresses for Spring and Summer 2024 That Are Outrageously Flattering Starting Under $150

14 Free People Dresses for Spring and Summer 2024 That Are Outrageously Flattering Starting Under 0
14 Free People Dresses for Spring and Summer 2024 That Are Outrageously Flattering Starting Under 0


free people dresses, best Free People dresses for spring and summer 2024 (Photos via Free People).

Best Free People Dresses for Spring and Summer 2024 (Photos via Free People).

Welcome to another edition of spring and summer dresses that I love. With the first day of spring just a few weeks away, I'm mentally putting away my winter jackets and boots for the season (physically, I'm in Alberta and it's -20°C, but be careful, it counts!). As a shopping editor, I spend a lot of my workday looking at cute things I want to buy, but I struggle! Of all my favorite sites, there's one that offers almost constant spring fashion inspiration. Free people. A celebrity staple on a budget, Free People's dress selection is second to none. From wedding guest dresses to vacation wear, over 600 styles are available. Below, I've rounded up 14 dresses I'm excited about for spring and summer. With options starting under $150, check out my favorites below.

The Best Free People Dresses Under $150

La La Maxi DressLa La Maxi Dress

La La Maxi Dress

Free People's La La casual maxi is “super versatile” and can be easily “dressed up or down,” according to shoppers. It's “nice enough to wear to a nice dinner or more casually with sneakers or sandals,” writes one reviewer. “This is definitely my favorite Free People dress I've purchased.”

East Willow Trapeze Brief (Photo via Free People)East Willow Trapeze Brief (Photo via Free People)

East Willow Trapeze Brief (Photo via Free People)

This pretty A-line dress is both flirty and cool. Free People shoppers call this style the “perfect summer dress.”

Love Of My Life midi dress (Photo via Free People)Love Of My Life midi dress (Photo via Free People)

Love Of My Life midi dress (Photo via Free People)

This airy cotton midi dress is available in 10 colors, including black, white and dusty pink.

The Best Free People Dresses Under $200

Dixie Maxi (Photo via Free People)Dixie Maxi (Photo via Free People)

Dixie Maxi (Photo via Free People)

Free People reviewers call the Dixie Maxi a “beautiful dress” and describe it as “comfortable and flattering.”

Oasis Midi Dress (Photo via Free People)Oasis Midi Dress (Photo via Free People)

Oasis Midi Dress (Photo via Free People)

Free People's top-rated Oasis midi dress is 'worth every penny,' according to reviewers. “I want to get married and also be buried in this dress,” writes one customer. It's “perfect”, a “classic for everyone”.

All you need is midi lace (Photo via Free People)All you need is midi lace (Photo via Free People)

All you need is midi lace (Photo via Free People)

This feminine midi dress features a lace embellished bodice, a scalloped V-neckline, puff sleeves and an exaggerated open back. “This is by far the most beautiful Free People dress I have ever owned,” one buyer wrote, “and I have owned at least 25.”

Make yourself look Mini (Photo via Free People)Make yourself look Mini (Photo via Free People)

Make yourself look Mini (Photo via Free People)

This little mini darling can be worn in different ways and is available in two colors.

Smell The Roses Mini Dress (Photo via Free People)Smell The Roses Mini Dress (Photo via Free People)

Smell The Roses Mini Dress (Photo via Free People)

This versatile button-front mini can be worn as a top, dress or beach cover-up. Buy it in six designs.

The Best Free People Dresses Under $250

A new Maxi way (Photo via Free People)A new Maxi way (Photo via Free People)

A new Maxi way (Photo via Free People)

An absolutely stunning dress, this bohemian maxi would be a lovely choice for upcoming spring and summer weddings.

Emory embroidered midi dress (Photo via Free People)Emory embroidered midi dress (Photo via Free People)

Emory embroidered midi dress (Photo via Free People)

This long-sleeved bohemian midi dress comes in four colors, including a pretty Kelly Green.

Sunny long dress with short sleeves (Free People)Sunny long dress with short sleeves (Free People)

Sunny long dress with short sleeves (Free People)

This very pretty long dress will be a must-have in your summer wedding wardrobe.

Golden Hour maxi dress (Photo via Free People)Golden Hour maxi dress (Photo via Free People)

Golden Hour maxi dress (Photo via Free People)

This dreamy long-sleeve maxi dress is available in 11 colors.

The Best Free People Dresses Under $400

Malena long dress (Photo via Free People)Malena long dress (Photo via Free People)

Malena long dress (Photo via Free People)

This cotton and linen maxi is available in two versatile colors.

Bo Dress (Photo via Free People)Bo Dress (Photo via Free People)

Bo Dress (Photo via Free People)

“This dress is perfect for a day-to-night look,” writes one reviewer. It has “a little weight, so it fits well.”

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