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Ohio State Alumnus Creates Upcycled Fashion Brand, Promotes Consumer Awareness, Sustainability

Ohio State Alumnus Creates Upcycled Fashion Brand, Promotes Consumer Awareness, Sustainability


Columbus-based photographer Kai Gordon takes photos for the

Columbus-based photographer Kai Gordon shoots for the “New Beginnings X The Tofunmi Jean” collaboration in New York. “The Tofunmi Jean” is a custom product made by Cody Butler, an Ohio State alum who founded an upcycled fashion brand called New Beginnings. Credit: Cody Butler

It's an old but true adage: one person's trash can be another person's new treasure.

Ohio State alumnus Cody Butler decided to create a sustainable slow fashion brand in the spring of 2023. Less than a year later, New Beginnings was born. Rather than sourcing materials from traditional retail outlets, the upcycled fashion brand seeks out sustainable vintage materials and encourages its customers to adopt sustainable fashion practices, Butler said.

I try to educate consumers about the need to make environmentally conscious decisions when purchasing clothing, Butler said. When you save, you buy second-hand and do good in the world. Every year, 13 million tonnes of textiles are sent to landfill.

Although the brand has an inclusive mission, Butler said it still possesses an air of exclusivity because no two garments are the same. Called on-the-job wearables or WIP wearables, the pieces are customizable in nature and connect to specific buyers, he said.

Ohio State alumnus Cody Butler (left) and Atlanta-based rapper Kyle the Hooligan (right) pose side by side.  Kyle the thug wears

Ohio State alumnus Cody Butler (left) and Atlanta-based rapper Kyle the Hooligan (right) pose side by side. Kyle the Hooligan wears “The Carhartt Hooligan Jean,” a product personally designed for him by Butler’s upcycled fashion brand, New Beginnings. Credit: Kai Gordon

This personalization promotes sentimental value, meaning customers are more likely to keep and wear the garment long-term, Butler said.

I bring these pieces and make them into a WIP garment, Butler said. I want to give you the means, as a consumer, to always make it your own.

Butler said the idea for New Beginnings occupied his mind for about three years before he decided to spend some time and think about developing it. The move came after an international trip, he said.

I took a trip to Europe in May 2023 and stayed there for a full month, visiting eight different countries, Butler said. I drew and wrote when I was on the trains. I drew New Beginnings on a pair of shorts while on a train along the Italian coast, then came back and started teaching myself how to make clothes.

After returning to the United States, Butler said he continued to conceptualize New Beginnings while working at Penske Truck Leasing, but began to feel increasingly stifled by corporate life. In February 2024, he made the choice to pursue New Beginnings full-time.

I really want to build that foundation before moving on to something bigger, Butler said. I am constantly looking for the right resources and tools to help me get to where I want to be.

When it comes to sourcing materials, Butler said he frequents estate sales and popular thrift stores like Goodwill, Volunteers of America and Ohio Thrift.

“When I'm thrifting, I'm always looking for materials that I can use, and really high-quality materials because they're vintage,” Butler said. I take these materials, I find them and I stock up [them] for myself.

Kai Gordon, a local photographer who also owns a media company called Saint Claire The Agency, said he has been actively working with Butler to help New Beginnings grow and build a strong clientele.

“I saw Cody, and before I looked at the clothes I saw he had crazy style and thought this guy would be really great to style our models,” Gordon said . Then he added a little pinch of New Beginnings, and I was like, Wow, so you can do so much more.

After meeting Butler, Gordon said he knew he wanted to be part of the budding New Beginnings story. Butler’s drive and passion for making the brand a success was contagious, he said.

The logo of New Beginnings, an upcycled fashion brand founded by Ohio State alumnus Cody Butler, in February 2024. Credit: Courtesy of Cody Butler

The logo of New Beginnings, an upcycled fashion brand founded by Ohio State alumnus Cody Butler, in February 2024. Credit: Courtesy of Cody Butler

The logo of New Beginnings, an upcycled fashion brand founded by Ohio State alumnus Cody Butler in February 2024. Credit: Courtesy of Cody Butler We hit it off immediately and he told me about New Beginnings , Gordon said. I was invested because he was invested, so he sold me instantly.

Notably, Butler said New Beginnings created denim-based clothing for Atlanta rapper Kyle the Hooligan and New York rapper Paris Bryant. For his part, Gordon said he helps Butler document the brand's accomplishments and overall journey.

Progression is so important, Gordon said. I consider myself a good collaborator, so it's like, Hey, you style the person, I'll take the photos.

Butler said he appreciated Gordon's creative cooperation because New Beginnings needs real support to grow.

You can't do it yourself and you have to put these tools and resources around you to make it happen, Butler said. I wasn't in this industry, I'm still learning and I love learning from the people around me. These opportunities will continue to come our way if we stay together.

New Beginnings plans to release a new collection called New Beginnings – The Authenticity Pack later this year, Butler said. He said the theme of this collection would be personal connections.

I am committed to only producing clothes that I truly love and would wear myself, Butler said. My approach is carried out with passion and integrity, ensuring that each creation reflects my true aesthetic.

More information about New Beginnings, including the brand's upcoming projects, can be found on its Instagram. page.




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