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East Boulder County Artists Featured During Spring Studio Tour – Boulder Daily Camera

East Boulder County Artists Featured During Spring Studio Tour – Boulder Daily Camera


With all the fun things to do when spring arrives in Boulder County, like hiking in Holland or mountain biking at Hall Ranch, it's easy to turn west and dive headfirst into activities at altitude when hot weather arrives.

We Front Rangers must remember that there are many reasons to get in the car and head east. Especially this weekend.

The East Boulder County Spring Artist Tour is back and invites the artistically curious to visit 56 different artists in 27 different studios in Longmont, Lafayette, Louisville and Niwot. In true choose-your-own-adventure fashion, the self-guided tour allows the public to visit with local artists as they work in their creative sanctuaries, offering a rare glimpse into the artistic process and insight into the stories behind each masterpiece. of work. The free event will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

From textile artists transforming a rough piece of fabric into a shimmering tapestry, or stained glass artists fusing sharp pieces of glass into a delicate sun catcher, this year's tour features some of the world's leading sculptors, painters, printmakers, and fiber artists. , the most talented potters and wood carvers. and the blacksmiths of East County.

With so many incredible artists and studios to choose from, we've rounded up some of our favorite East County artists to visit on this year's spring tour. For the final list of participating artists and studios, visit the interactive map at to make the most of your creative sunny spring weekend excursion. Printed maps are also available at the Longmont Public Library, the Louisville Public Library and at each of the studios. Or pick up your copy on pages 8 and 9 of Friday Magazine.

Through April, don't miss previews on display at the Longmont Public Library, 409 4th Ave., Longmont, and the Louisville Public Library, 951 Spruce St., Louisville.

Ceramics by artist Heather Kegel.  Kegel is participating in the East Boulder County Artists Spring Tour.  (Heather Kegel/Courtesy photo)
Ceramics by artist Heather Kegel. Kegel is participating in the East Boulder County Artists Spring Tour. (Heather Kegel/Courtesy photo)

Unique porcelain pieces

Inspired by her love for the outdoors,Heather Kegel bowls, cups, vases and mugs are more than

Ceramics by artist Heather Kegel.  (Heather Kegel/Courtesy photo)
Ceramics by artist Heather Kegel. (Heather Kegel/Courtesy photo)

just receptacles, but canvases for delicate botanical illustrations, like cacti and wildflowers. Her pieces feature the classic blue-on-white pattern reminiscent of historic Chinese porcelain works, but with a contemporary twist.

Studio enthusiasts can catch a glimpse of Kegel as she transforms a piece of clay into one of these beautifully functional pieces and perhaps purchase one to add to their own collection.

Kegel will exhibit her work and demonstrate her form at Studio No. 12, 2125 9th Ave., Longmont, alongside artists Rebecca Martin, Allie Olender, Mariah Stotsky and Julia Zuniga.

Learn more about Kegel at

“Floating Orbs #4” by artist Ryan Wiese. Wiese is participating in the East Boulder County Spring Artist Tour. (Ryan Wiese/Courtesy photo)

Minimalist with maximum dynamism

Ryan Wiese is a clothing designer turned jeweler-glassmaker turned painter, all professions that have helped shape his art today.

Her acrylic works are inspired by the shapes created when different colors of glass are melted. With clean lines and vibrant contrasting colors, his paintings are a playful, abstract and beautiful eye candy.

“My vision is to create simple but captivating paintings,” Wiese said in his statement for the ECBA.

Visit Wieses Studio to learn more about his creative process, which begins with pencil and ink sketches, then see how he transforms them into color canvases.

This weekend, visit Weise and watch him in action at Studio No. 22, 7983 Grasmere Drive, Boulder. To learn more, visit

Jewelry designs by artist Tammy Helart.  Helart is participating in the East Boulder County Spring Artist Tour.  (Tammy Helart/Courtesy photo)
Jewelry designs by artist Tammy Helart. Helart is participating in the East Boulder County Spring Artist Tour. (Tammy Helart/Courtesy photo)

Goldsmith adorned with jewels

Working with sterling silver and fine silver, as well as natural stones and semi-precious stones,Tammy Helart the jewelry designs are understated, elegant and utterly breathtaking.

Helart emphasizes the beauty of the stones she works with, including turquoise, jasper and rare opalized fossil wood, using silver as a simple frame in her pieces and letting the rocks speak for themselves.

Tammy will exhibit her work at Studio #17, 825 Tempted Ways Drive, Longmont, alongside local artists Malena Hirschfeld and Debra Stanger. Learn more about

Paintings by artist Jessica Marshall, who is participating in the East Boulder County Spring Artist Tour.  (Jessica Marshall/Courtesy photo)
Paintings by artist Jessica Marshall, who is participating in the East Boulder County Spring Artist Tour. (Jessica Marshall/Courtesy photo)

A dreamlike nature

From rolling landscapes capturing the Colorado foothills to abstract depictions of California poppies,

Originally from Longmont Jessica Marshall paints the natural world around him using crisp blues, aspen yellows, and warm magentas. Marshall's paintings are soft and dreamlike, evoking a sense of tranquility and introspection in each piece.

Take a peek into Marshall's creative world at Studio No. 3, 6307 Laodicea Road, Longmont, along with fellow artist Lorena Fox. Learn more about




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