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SA Fashion Icons – SALIFE

SA Fashion Icons – SALIFE


From Paolo Sebastian to couture+love+madness, from George Gross to Tiff Manuell. SALIFE celebrates the best of current and vintage South Australian fashion, strikingly photographing designs on the city streets of Adelaide.

Embroidered ruffled ballerina dress from the Nutcracker collection, POA, The Swan Lake ballerina in beaded mesh, $920, by Paolo Sebastian; Trillion cut smoky quartz pendant, POA, from Elever.

Elodie hand-painted tulle skirt, $850, Voile, $950, by Tiff Manuell; Jewl Dress, $299, by Lexi; Chiara stiletto pumps, $255, by Cherri Bellini.
1964 Silk debutante dress, Woolcocks archive collection; Chiara stiletto pumps, $255, by Cherri Bellini; Prive Anna pendant, $290, from Elever.
Jennas dress, from the Jaimie Sortino archive collection; Red satin headband, $99, from Mimi-Jane Millinery.
Fine strapless dress in transparent lace with pearls, POA, by Alexis George; Anastasia bracelet, $180 each, Anastasia ring, $110 each, Dion earrings, $220, Bianca cluster clear quartz pendant, $425, from Elever; Maya heel, $199, from Luminous Assembly.
Chartreuse beaded tulle dress, couture+love+madness archive collection, POA; Mia pump, $255, by Cherri Bellini; Victoria earrings, $330, from Elever; stylists have gloves.
Marilyns Hols two-piece set, Miss Gladys Sym Choon archive collection 1992; Chiara heel, $255, by Cherri Bellini; Leanne hat, $350, from Mimi-Jane Millinery.
Beaded dress, George Gross archive collection 2014; Carina pillbox hat, $196, from Mimi-Jane Millinery; Charlotte ring, $290, from Elever.


Alexis Georges
Cherri Bellini
Jaime Sortino @jaimiessortino
Light assembly
Mimi-Jane hat shop
Miss Gladys Sym Choon
Paolo Sébastien
Manuel Tiff
Woolcock Reynella

This article first appeared in the December 2023 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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