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Looking for something to do that won't break the bank? Here are some places in Hartford to check out.

Looking for something to do that won't break the bank?  Here are some places in Hartford to check out.


With families of limited resources with high grocery budgets and the cost of rent, it's difficult to find places to go with your family for a little fun on a budget.

Throughout Hartford, there are a number of free places to go, from accessing acres of parks and open spaces to learning about state history at the Capitol and public library of Connecticut. We've put together a simple guide featuring a selection of free places to visit in and around the city.

Have a family picnic at Riverside Park, take your golf clubs to Keney Park, listen to jazz at Bushnell Park, and pick up a good book at the West Hartford Public Library.

Museums and history

State Capitol Tour

Explore the state's history on a tour of the Connecticut State Capitol at 210 Capitol Ave., Hartford. Self-guided tours are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and guided tours are available weekdays from 9:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Call 860-240-0222 or email [email protected] for more information. Buildings are closed on weekends and all state and federal holidays. Public access is currently limited to the first floor of the Legislative Office Building and the first and second floors of the Capitol Building. Public entrances are located on the west side at 300 Capitol Ave.

Connecticut State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut
Connecticut State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut

West Hartford Public Library

While the Hartford Public Library at 500 Main St. is under renovation, it's a good time to explore the West Hartford Public Library. There are locations at 20 South Main St., 15 Starkel Road and 1073 New Britain Ave. Each location has slightly different hours, so check ahead before your visit.

Connecticut State Library

If you would like to learn more about state history and research government history, the Connecticut State Library is open to the public. Meet for research and readings Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 231 Capitol Ave.

Connecticut History Museum

Learn more about the state and the development of the nation at Connecticut History Museum at 231 Capitol Ave. The museum is always free and open to visitors Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The museum features exhibits that chart the growth of the state. It focuses on governmental, industrial and military history. On the museum's website you can view the latest exhibitions. Call 860-757-6535 for more information.

Visits to the Connecticut Governor's Residence

Appreciate the state's history with a tour of the Governor's Residence at 990 Prospect Ave. The house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is currently used for many of the governor's official functions and is made available to non-profit organizations for charitable events.

The house offers scheduled and free public tours, especially during the holiday season.

The Connecticut State Capitol
The Connecticut State Capitol


Bushnell Park

Take a walk to Bushnell Park and enjoy free tours of the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch, walk the Tree Walk and listen to jazz on Monday evenings during the summer. The memorial arch offers free tours from May to October, weather permitting. The tree walk will introduce you to more than 150 varieties of trees, showcasing the park's arboretum of rare and native trees. Tree Walk tours run from May to October from noon to 1:30 p.m. when the Arch is open for tours. Don't forget a ride on the carousel either.

Riverside park

A summer day is the perfect time to visit Riverside park at 20 Leibert Road. Just north of downtown, the park offers Riverfront Rowing, a community rowing program, and miles of trails. The park is open from sunrise to sunset.

The park also includes a boat launch, picnic tables, charcoal grills, sand volleyball court, cricket and soccer fields, playground, access to fishing, art installations and bike racks.

Colt Park

Colt Park at 130 Wethersfield Ave. is over 100 years old. Enjoy play areas, a swimming pool, paddling pools for children, sports fields at Dillon Stadium and historic buildings.

The park also features large reflecting pools, rustic furniture, fountains, urns, statues, artificial fish and animal ponds, a deer park, orchards, fields and much more.

The Colt Park Community Pool on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Hartford.
The Colt Park Community Pool on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Hartford.

Goodwin Park

Goodwin Park is 237 acres on the south end and extends into Wethersfield at 1192 Maple Ave. Sit back and read a book or play on the tennis courts, basketball courts, and softball field. The park also includes the Pond House, a play area and spray area for children, a fitness circuit, trails, an Olympic size swimming pool and picnic areas.

Bring your fishing rods because fishing is authorized in the three ponds located in areas not adjacent to the golf course. Play your clubs on the 27-hole golf course located on the border of Hartford and Wethersfield.

Hyland Park and Rocky Ridge

Hyland Park and Rocky Ridge at 391 New Britain Ave. is perfect for sports fans. The park has two baseball fields, a basketball court, a tee-ball field, and artificial turf for baseball and football. Kids will also love the playscape and splash pad.

Elizabeth Park

Take a walk among the roses Elizabeth Park. The park at 1561 Asylum Ave. just celebrated its 125th anniversary. In addition to the manicured rose gardens and greenhouses, the park has nine tennis courts, a Little League field, two softball fields, two basketball courts, two playgrounds, tracks and trails.

Check the park website for up-to-date information on events and other happenings hosted by the conservancy.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Elizabeth Park is home to America's oldest public rose garden, established in 1904. Its 102 acres are filled with gardens and greenhouses open free to the public year-round.  Come here for a walk or a picnic, or choose to dine at the Pond House Café, which uses fresh ingredients from its vegetable and herb gardens.  Elizabeth Park is known for being such a romantic place in Connecticut that weddings are frequently held there, and it's also a popular spot for proposals.  The daily meal
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Elizabeth Park is home to America's oldest public rose garden, established in 1904. Its 102 acres are filled with gardens and greenhouses open free to the public year-round. Come here for a walk or a picnic, or choose to dine at the Pond House Café, which uses fresh ingredients from its vegetable and herb gardens. Elizabeth Park is known for being such a romantic place in Connecticut that weddings are frequently held there, and it's also a popular spot for proposals.

Keney Park

Keney Park is one of the largest public parks in New England at 693 acres. Located at 337 Vine St., the park is home to the 18-hole Keney Park Golf Course which dates back to 1927. The course and clubhouse were ranked by Golfweek magazine as the second best public golf course in Connecticut.

If gold isn't your thing, fishing is allowed at Waltermere Park during the fishing season.




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