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Bamboo bags and Beyonc: meet Fengchen Wang

Bamboo bags and Beyonc: meet Fengchen Wang


When a designer invents a piece that no one has seen before, it often becomes an instant signature. This is exactly what happened with Fengchen Wang's bamboo bags. Often seen by influencers at fashion weeks, the various iterations, from heart shapes to faux fur, embody the Chinese designers' raw, artisanal approach to fashion.

Since launching her eponymous menswear brand, Feng Chen Wang, in 2015 after graduating from the Royal College of Art in London, the Fuzhou-born designer has become one of the hottest new-age talents best known in the world and originating from the continent. Nominated for the LVMH Prize in 2016, the Wangs brand became a mainstay of London Fashion Week before moving to Paris.

Playing with masculinity and deconstructed fashion, Feng Chen Wang pushes the boundaries of Chinese men's fashion.  Photo: Feng Chen Wang
Playing with masculinity and deconstructed fashion, Feng Chen Wang pushes the boundaries of Chinese men's fashion. Photo: Feng Chen Wang

Instantly recognizable for its innovative clothing that promotes sustainability through deconstruction, the Chinese brand takes a DIY approach to luxury, making it a favored collaborator with global names such as Converse, Nike, Crocs, Levis, Pepsi, Ugg, Games Beijing Olympics and Piaggio. Most recently, the brand participated in the first ComplexCon outside the United States.

These are all expected achievements of a designer who matters Beyonce among one of his first celebrity clients. Here, Daily jing talks to Wang about his explosive career so far.

Have you always wanted to be a fashion designer?

Art has always been a love of mine; my first memories are of art and its creation with my loved ones. I guess fashion is my way of expressing that. My collections are always very personal and being able to put that into something physical, something you can wear, is what draws me to being a fashion designer.

How has China influenced your work?

China has always influenced my work. I continually draw inspiration from my childhood in Fuijan, my hometown, and my Chinese heritage. From century-old traditions to future technologies, I always honor these practices, highlighting my culture and educating audiences through my work.

Feng Chen Wang's bamboo bags have become recognized in the industry as an iconic piece.  Photo: Feng Chen Wang
Feng Chen Wang's bamboo bags have become recognized in the industry as an iconic piece. Photo: Feng Chen Wang

What was your favorite moment of your career?

It was a huge honor to represent my country and design the uniforms for the flag bearers for the 2022 Beijing Olympics. To be able to share my art on such a stage while sharing my culture and heritage with millions of people across the world. It was a real pinch-me moment.

Which collaboration was your favorite?

Converse has been an incredible partner to work with. Each collaboration allows [me] to go even further, and they are an incredible team to work with creatively. We both share the same values ​​and philosophy when it comes to self-expression, and it's great to find a brand that trusts you so much as a designer.

Collaboration has become a key driver of Feng Chen Wang's growth.  Photo: Crocs x Feng Chen Wang
Collaboration has become a key driver of Feng Chen Wang's growth. Photo: Crocs x Feng Chen Wang

Why is collaboration such a big part of your strategy?

Collaboration comes naturally for us within the brand. I love working with other creatives. It's always very interesting to see the world from a different perspective and present a body of work inspired by more than just my own experiences. It was not intentional that I did collaborations, but each one allowed me to expand my knowledge and understanding.

What advice do you give to young Chinese designers in 2024?

Be fully yourself. There is nothing the world loves more than individuality and uniqueness. If you are able to share this with a wider audience, do so authentically.




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