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Catherine Zeta-Jones gives her daughter her old VMA dress for her 21st birthday

Catherine Zeta-Jones gives her daughter her old VMA dress for her 21st birthday


Carys Douglas literally got it from his mom. Earlier this week, the 21-year-old daughter of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas celebrated her birthday with a special help from her mother in '90s red carpet style.

Carys, an aspiring actress herself, wore the exact slip dress Catherine wore to the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards. The blush pink confection, by French titan Emanuel Ungaro, featured a semi-sheer, lace bustier. Her plunging bodice, trimmed with floral sequin details, then flowed into a figure-hugging pink skirt. The young actress wore this below-the-knee outfit with tousled waves, delicate earrings and strappy heels. The most perfect 21 I could ask for, Carys subtitle an Instagram post featuring snaps from her intimate birthday party.

The 21-year-old, currently a film student at Brown University, made her red carpet debut at the Cannes Film Festival last year in an Ellie Saab dress alongside her parents. But with THE Catherine Zeta-Jones as your mother, it's no surprise that Carys took a page out of her '90s fashion playbook to celebrate her 21st birthday. And, even though these Ungaro briefs are older than her, there's nothing like vintage fashion to truly create. A declaration. Especially vintage fashion that you can borrow straight from your mother's wardrobe.

Zeta-Jones went completely va-va-voom at the 1999 MTV VMAs in her Ungaro look. Like Carys, she also opted for sultry, natural glamor and accessorized her look with metallic heels and a '90s Fendi baguette on her shoulder. The slip also featured lace inserts on the sides and hem of the skirt.

Jim Smeal/Ron Galella Collection/Getty Images

Catherine later sharing a message in honor of her daughter's 21st birthday as well as black and white photos from when she was just a little girl. Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter, the actress wrote saying that you are the joy of my life. 21 years of watching you blossom into the most incredible woman you are today is a gift from God that I never take for granted and cherish every day of my life. Thanks for being you. I love you with all my heart.




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