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Mindy Kaling wore a square neck dress for spring

Mindy Kaling wore a square neck dress for spring
Mindy Kaling wore a square neck dress for spring


The weather is finally starting to warm up, so it's time to break out the spring dresses. And Mindy Kaling just reminded us of the flattering clothing style you probably don't have in your closet yet.

In a recent Instagram post, the actress and producer announced her book studio's latest release, Friends in Napa by Sheila Yasmin Marikar, and she wore a square neck dress in a bold royal blue with ruching along the straps and waist.

Square neck dresses are always flattering, as they create the illusion of a higher neck and provide excellent coverage for those with larger busts. The square neckline is also an elegant detail.

If you don't already have a square neck dress in your wardrobe, Amazon is full of lots of cute styles you can wear all summer long and they start at just $32. Keep reading to shop our favorites.

Square Neck Dresses Inspired by Mindy Kaling

Anrabess Square Neck Ruffle Dress, $36 with coupon


Are you a fan of the royal blue shade of the Kalings dress? Consider adding this blue dress from Amazon to your wardrobe because it looks so much like the stars. The Anrabess dress has a square neckline and comes in a midi length that provides plenty of lower body coverage. The straps are an adjustable tie that creates two beautiful bows, and the wide leg slit allows the dress to move with you. Besides blue, you can get it in 22 other colors like pink, green, and purple, and most are on sale using a coupon in the product description.

Amegoya square neck floral midi dress


Stars like Reese Witherspoon are wearing short-sleeve dresses this spring, and you can follow the trend with this style from Amegoya. Short sleeves are a little warmer than a tank top or strapless dress without being too restrictive and you can layer the dress under lightweight jackets and coats. The ruffled hem and Swiss polka dot design are timeless and elegant. A five-star reviewer called the material soft and comfortable.

Prettygarden Floral Puff Sleeve Midi Dress


Kaling wore a floral, puff-sleeved dress last spring, and this midi style from Prettygarden is totally on-trend. The floral design is elegant, making it a great choice for weddings, baby showers and corporate events. The square collar is gathered for added visual interest. And the puff sleeves can be worn on or off your shoulders, your choice!

For those who already wear scoop-neck and V-neck dresses, consider switching up your look with these Kaling-inspired square-neck options, all of which are available on Amazon for under $60.

Fensace floral tank dress


Zesica Square Neck Ruffle Maxi Dress, $40 with coupon


Exlura Square Neck Long Sleeve Dress, $38 (Save $8)


Zesica Square Neck Ruffle Midi Dress, $45 with coupon


Sampeel Square Neck Tie Waist Dress, $36 with coupon


Zesica Square Neck Ruffle Maxi Dress, $44 with coupon


Grace Karin Sleeveless Midi Dress, $36 with coupon





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