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Threat to Constitution, Ram Mandir, Rahul Gandhi and more: Prime Minister Narendra Modi says all about important issues | Election news


PM Modi on electoral bonds

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke on critical issues during his interview with news agency ANI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi On Monday, he sought to allay fears that his possible third term could lead to changes in the Constitution, saying his government believed in celebrating India's diversity, “loved it” and was committed to ” strengthen its greatness.

He accused the opposition of orchestrating lies about his government and trying to mold the country “in the same mould”.

In an interview with news agency ANI, Prime Minister Modi said, “I don't understand on what basis you (Congress) are making such allegations against a man who celebrated the Tamil language – the most old – at the UN? when I wear clothes from different states. The problem comes from them: they want to shape the country in the same mold. We love diversity… We said: why can't you become a doctor or an engineer. using their mother tongue (local language program)? When I speak of the mother tongue, it means that I celebrate it, I enhance its grandeur.

PM Modi added, “I met some young players recently. One of them asked me if I had a message for them. I told them: do something, wherever you put your name signature, do it in your native language. Take that pride (in your native language).

During his interview with ANI, Prime Minister Modi also spoke at length on several key issues which sparked wide debate:

“ONOP is our commitment”

Talking about the One Nation One election, Prime Minister Modi said, “…One Nation One Election is our commitment…Many people have joined us in the country…Many people gave their suggestions to the committee. Very positive and innovative suggestions came. The country will benefit a lot if we are able to implement this report.

'I don't want to waste a single minute': PM Modi on Vision 2047

About his 'Vision 2047' for the country, Prime Minister Modi said: “It is not just Modi's vision, the ownership of this vision belongs to the entire country…I don't want to lose just for a minute…”

“My goal is to accelerate and intensify the country’s development during my next term,” he added.

'Naach Na Jane Aangan Tedha': PM Modi slams opposition for 'apologies'

On the opposition's allegation that the BJP controls all institutions and there is no level playing field, the Prime Minister said: “…There is a saying Naach na jaane aangan tedha . That's why sometimes they will find excuses for the EVM Basically, for After the defeat, they started to reason from now…”

“Everyone will regret the removal of the electoral guarantee system”

On accusations by opposition leaders, including those of Rahul Gandhi, over electoral bonds and whether it was a wrong decision, the Prime Minister said: “…If there is no had not had electoral bonds, who would have had the power to find out where the money came from and where it happened? This is the success story of electoral bonds that there were electoral bonds? , that's why you receive a money trail… What worries me is that I never say that there are no gaps in decision making. , we are learning and improving. It is entirely possible to improve in this area as well. But today we have completely pushed the country towards black money. he will regret… The BJP has 37% of the amount, 63% for the opposition…”

'Whose Money': PM Modi on Elon Musk

Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks on Elon Musk's entry into the Indian market and job creation: “Elon Musk is a supporter of Modi is one thing, basically he is a supporter of India… I want to invest in India. Paisa kisi ka bhi laga ho (Anyone who wants to invest can, but it has to be built by Indians so that the youth of my country will have jobs.)).”

'It was a political weapon': PM Modi on Ram Mandir

On the Ram Temple issue, “For them (the opposition), it was a political weapon. Now it has been built, so the issue is out of their hands,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.

“What is this perversion…?” »: PM Modi on anti-Sanatana remarks

Regarding DMK's recent 'anti-Sanatana' remark and the public outrage over it, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “…the Congress should be asked what is its compulsion to sit with people who are spewing a such venom against Sanatana? “This perversion in the mentality of the Congress… It is a matter of concern for the country that this is a constraint on the Congress.”

“Bahuratna Vasundhara”: Prime Minister Modi on the North-South divide

On the so-called “North-South divide”, Prime Minister Modi says: “…seeing India as different units is the result of recklessness towards India. Which part of India has the highest number of villages associated with the name of Lord Ram? Tamil Nadu…Diversity is our strength, we should celebrate it…”

“Bharat ek bahuratna vasundhara hai. India is a country of diversity… Viewing India as different units is the result of unconsciousness towards India. Which part of India counts the largest number of villages associated with the name of Lord Ram? Tamil Nadu… How can you call it a distinct (unit)?… There is diversity in it. from Punjab. A person from Kashmir will not be like a Gujarati. Diversity is our strength, we should celebrate it. India is a bouquet where everyone can see its flower.

” What do you say… ? »: PM Modi on Rahul Gandhi's 'Khatakhat' comment

On Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, PM Modi says, “Unfortunately, these days we see that there is no commitment and accountability to a single word. You've probably seen old videos circulating of a leader, where each of his thoughts is contradictory. When people see this, they think this leader was trying to deceive the public. Recently I heard a politician say Ek jhatke mein garibi hata dunga. Those who were lucky enough to be in power for 5-6 decades, when they say this, the country wonders what this man is saying.




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