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Donald Trump 'disappointed' with Kristi Noem in 'Puppy Killer' as she loses chance to be vice president

Donald Trump 'disappointed' with Kristi Noem in 'Puppy Killer' as she loses chance to be vice president


Former President Donald Trump reportedly expressed disappointment in South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem after revealing she killed his puppy.

In the next book, Noem recounts how she was forced to shoot Cricket, her dog, due to his aggressive personality.

The politician recently addressed the outrage on social media, saying the book was full of “honest stories from my life” and that she had acted in accordance with South Dakota law.

Kristi Noem reportedly lost her chance to be Donald Trump's vice president


Noem, a Republican governor, would have lost the opportunity to be Trump's vice president pick.

The loss comes after the publication of an excerpt from his upcoming book, “No Going Back: The Truth on What's Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward.”

Sources close to Trump revealed to the New York Post that the ex-president's team was shocked to hear Noem's detailed story of how she shot and killed her dog in the book.

An insider said: “She was already unlikely to be chosen as vice president, but she had a chance. After that, it's just impossible.” Noem is rumored to be an option for Trump's vice-presidential role.

Another source told the publication that the former US president “loves Kristi a lot” but was very “disappointed” to hear her dog's story.

The source added: “It certainly didn't help his chances, but no decisions have been made on any of the vice presidential candidates.”

Donald Trump 'can't pick a puppy killer' as his vice presidential candidate


According to the excerpt from the book obtained by The Guardian, Noem was forced to execute Cricket because of his “aggressive personality.”

The politician explained that the 14-month-old pointer had become “untrainable” as a hunting dog.

Writing about her decision to kill Cricket, Noem said: “It wasn't pleasant work, but it had to be done.”

The Trump camp source who spoke in New York brought up the situation with 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, who is still known for putting his dog in a crate on his car while traveling from Boston to Canada.

The source said: “Trump doesn't necessarily like dogs, but I think he understands that you can't have a puppy killer as your choice, for blatantly obvious reasons.”

Kristi Noem shared shocking details in her book


Noem recounted in the book that she decided to put Cricket down after a violent attack by the dog.

She shared details of the incident, like when Cricket jumped out of her truck while visiting some of her neighbors. The dog attacked chickens on the property and allegedly even bit him.

The politician wrote that the attack incident featured Cricket “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death in one bite, then dropping it to attack another.

When Noem allegedly tried to stop the dog, Cricket “turned around to bite her” and really enjoyed killing the chickens.

In another part of the clip, Noem shared graphic details about how she killed a “mean, nasty” goat who “liked to chase” her children around the property.

She revealed that in order to kill the goat, she had to drag him to “the gravel pit”, the same place where she had executed Cricket, and had to shoot him several times.

Social media users slammed Krist Noem for killing cricket

Social media users were furious about the story, with many calling Noem a “psychopath” for killing her puppy.

One person wrote: “Being 15 years late, it must be said: – Rest in peace Cricket, you deserved so much better than a psychotic idiot (@KristiNoem) who couldn't stand being your mother.”

Another noted, “If Kristi Noem was proud to put a puppy shooting in her book, I wonder what she DIDN'T put in this book.”

“How the hell did Kristi Noem get elected governor of South Dakota??? How???” a third X user asked.

Another person commented, “If you think Kristi Noem is the only Republican psychopath, you haven't been paying attention.”

Kristi Noem responded to social media outrage


In the book, Noem wrote that the graphic stories she shared are signs of her willingness to do the “difficult, messy and ugly” things that are important.

She admitted: “I guess if I was a better politician I wouldn't be telling this story here.” After outrage exploded on social media, Noem doubled down on her statements in the book.

On many honest stories from my life, the good days and the bad days, the challenges, the painful decisions and the lessons learned.

Noem further explained that there is a South Dakota law that supports her actions against Cricket and the goat she killed.

She wrote: “The fact is that South Dakota law states that dogs that attack and kill livestock can be put down. Since Cricket had shown aggressive behavior towards people by biting them, I decided what I did.




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