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The GOAT is back: Ma Long wins his third Men's World Cup title

The GOAT is back: Ma Long wins his third Men's World Cup title


A rivalry that has played out countless times on the world stage, Ma Long and Lin Gaoyuan know each other well having played on the international stage nine times in the past, and both have experienced victory in high-pressure environments . So it's no surprise to see the two elite athletes produce another spectacular show for everyone to enjoy.

A captivating spectacle from start to finish, the match began with Lin displaying his dominance, securing the first three games. However, never one to easily admit defeat, Ma knew he needed something extraordinary to turn the tide. Relentlessly fighting for every point and covering every corner of the table, Ma laid the foundation for a remarkable comeback, winning the next three games and leveling the score at three games apiece. In the decisive final, in the middle of a thrilling exchange that had the Galaxy Arena crowd roaring with enthusiasm, Ma showed his GOAT status. Building on the momentum of his three previous victories, he won the championship in fascinating fashion. (9-11, 9-11, 5-11, 11-8, 11-6, 11-4, 11-8).

This victory adds to an impressive collection of singles titles, including two Olympic gold medals (2016 and 2020), three men's singles world championships (2015, 2017 and 2019), three men's World Cups (2015 and 2012). As the countdown begins for the Paris Olympic Games, can Ma Long add another Olympic gold medal to his collection?

“Indeed, I won quite a few titles, but most of them were won when the finals were tilted in my favor from the start. This is the first time I have won a title after being significantly behind before the match. It’s a big confidence boost at this stage of my career. Defeating players like Wang Chuqin and Lin Gaoyuan provided a big psychological boost.

Disappointed to miss this opportunity, Lin takes home the silver. He nonetheless put in a great performance, putting in an incredible performance to reach the final, eliminating defending champion Fan Zhendong in the semi-finals.

As the curtains close on a special and historic Men's and Women's ITTF Cup and a spectacular week of table tennis at the highest level, the table tennis community celebrates the exceptional performances not only of the athletes but also of the host city from Macau, China, providing a platform to promote sports globally and inspire the future generation.




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