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Biden to honor Olympian Katie Ledecky and actress Michelle Yeoh with Medal of Freedom

Biden to honor Olympian Katie Ledecky and actress Michelle Yeoh with Medal of Freedom


By Trevor Hunnicutt

Biden to honor Olympian Katie Ledecky and actress Michelle Yeoh with Medal of Freedom
Biden to honor Olympian Katie Ledecky and actress Michelle Yeoh with Medal of Freedom

WASHINGTON – A winner of seven Olympic gold medals, a leader in Mississippi's civil rights struggle and a pioneer of tabloid television talk shows are among this year's class of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients .

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US President Joe Biden will bestow America's highest civilian honor on 19 people, including Team USA swimmer Katie Ledecky, slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers and television host Phil Donahue.

The list of winners pays special tribute to “firsts” in their fields, including “Everywhere All at Once” actress Michelle Yeoh, who was the first Asian to win the Academy Award for best actress; Ellen Ochoa, the first Hispanic woman in space; and Jim Thorpe, the versatile athlete who became the first Native American to win an Olympic gold medal in 1912.

The awards will be presented Friday at the White House.

Biden also included some key political allies within the Democratic Party, from Rep. Jim Clyburn, who saved his bid in the 2020 presidential primaries, to Nancy Pelosi, who led his legislative agenda in Congress as Speaker of the House of Representatives until last year.

Also included are several former presidential candidates, former Sen. Elizabeth Dole, former Vice President Al Gore, former Secretary of State John Kerry and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

“Having won the popular vote, he accepted the outcome of a contested presidential election for the sake of our unity,” the White House wrote of Gore's concession to George W. Bush in the 2000 election , an attack on former President Donald Trump. who never conceded his 2020 defeat to Biden.

Bloomberg, a billionaire businessman who has distanced himself from the Republican Party he once lived in, could become a major backer of the president's 2024 re-election campaign.

Biden will also honor Father Greg Boyle, a Catholic priest who founded the Homeboy Industries gang intervention program; Opal Lee, an activist who pushed for Juneteenth to be a holiday marking the end of slavery in the United States; Senator Frank Lautenberg, consumer safety advocate; astrophysicist Jane Rigby; Teresa Romero, president of the United Farm Workers; LGBT activist Judy Shepard; and Clarence B. Jones, who helped write Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” speech.

This article was generated from an automated news agency feed without modification to the text.




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