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IFW 2024 focuses on Betawi heritage and its influence in contemporary fashion – Quick Dispatch

IFW 2024 focuses on Betawi heritage and its influence in contemporary fashion – Quick Dispatch
IFW 2024 focuses on Betawi heritage and its influence in contemporary fashion – Quick Dispatch


Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW), the archipelago's premier week-long fashion event, returns in 2024 with a focus on Jakarta, Betawi culture and its sartorial heritage in contemporary fashion under the theme “Langgam Jakarta Teranyam.”

The Indonesian Association of Fashion Designers and Fashion Entrepreneurs (APPMI), organizer of the IFW, partnered with the Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, BTN Prioritas and Tokopedia for the event , which took place from March 27 to 31 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in Central Jakarta.

Poppy Dharsono, President of APPMI and President of IFW, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Commerce Zulkifli Hasan, Head of the Agency for Tourism and Creative Economy of Jakarta Andhika Permata, as well as Tokopedia Senior Fashion Category Development Manager Vivi, were present at the opening ceremony of IFW 2024. Kosidin and Head of BTN Prioritas Wealth Management Division Meru Arumdalu.

Throughout the five-day event, over 300 local and international fashion designers unveiled their latest collections, while over 400 exhibitors, including MSMEs encouraged by the National Craft Council (Dekranasda) and local brands, showcased locally made products across the country.

With a target number of visitors of 100,000 throughout the event, IFW 2024 targeted a total transaction value of Rs 60 billion (US$ 3.68 million).

Poppy noted that the IFW, as the main vehicle of the Indonesian fashion ecosystem, aimed to provide a platform for the local fashion industry, using collaboration with various parties to ensure greater impact. important and better benefit its stakeholders.

“The presence of each party plays an important role in maximizing the success of Indonesia's biggest fashion week. Additionally, the support of the Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency helped us with the creative concept, communication and implementation,” she said.

BTN Prioritas, the official banking partner of IFW 2024, offered special promotions to customers shopping at the event, where they could redeem vouchers if they spent a minimum of Rp 5 million.

“BTN Prioritas and IFW have the same goal, which is to be proud to carry and use local products,” Meru said.

Tokopedia, which participated in IFW 2024 as an official co-organizer, e-commerce, e-ticketing and live streaming partner, made its presence known at the event through the Tokopedia Fashion Market, which featured a curated selection of 62 local brands from the IFW ecosystem. .

Participating brands received additional exposure from TikTok creators promoting the region, while visitors were able to transact through the Tokopedia app and use the “Ambil di Tempat” (auto-pickup) feature. ) to receive additional discounts and take home items on their wish list.

“Tokopedia and TikTok continue to strive to provide the public with the convenience of meeting their various needs, including fashion products, while providing greater visibility to Indonesian fashion industry players so that they are increasingly becoming the people’s choice,” Vivi said.




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