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Mia Moretti talks about her Coachella debut and the relationship between fashion and music

Mia Moretti talks about her Coachella debut and the relationship between fashion and music
Mia Moretti talks about her Coachella debut and the relationship between fashion and music


Mia Moretti has been coming to the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival for 15 years, producing hits at fringe events, pool parties, afterparties and more. But 2024 is the year she premiered the soundtrack on the festival grounds on the DoLab stage on April 14, wrapping up Coachella's first weekend before it ended on April 21.

With years of experience behind her, Moretti said she was prepared with a well-equipped look to take on the elements.

mia moretti, coachella 2024, balmain monogram top

“I know exactly what I need for the desert, and the wind can sometimes be very strong at night – and it can get very dusty, so you can end up covered in dust or get dust in your eyes or sunscreen in my eyes,” Moretti told WWD. “Those little things are just things that come with, you know, brushing them off for a few years. So, I think my style should be really, really simple. But it’s also not too serious and not too staged or planned. But it's still fun.

Moretti chose a sheer brown monogram top from Balmain, blue checked Ottolinger pants, white Desigual sneakers and red Celine sunglasses.

She describes the relationship between fashion and music as “codependent”: for her, it can keep the audience in tune with an artist's mood.

mia moretti, coachella 2024, balmain monogram top

“On stage, we're watching, so you can't not see what someone is wearing. It influences the whole show, and it totally influences how the artist performs because you can kind of notice when a performer feels uncomfortable in what they're wearing, or when they feel good at what he wears, and luckily, most of the time, it really helps bring out the best possible performance.

Moretti also kept her glamor toned down — which is a major change from the many cocktail parties she frequents as a DJ, like at the WIF Max Mara Face of the Future Award event last November in Los Angeles, or while filming at the opening of Banana Republic's BR. Home store on Melrose Avenue.

mia moretti, coachella 2024, balmain monogram top


“I come from the world where I go to a lot of fashion events, especially fast fashion after-parties, and I always had my hair and makeup done because it was just part of the routine,” Moretti said. “And now I’m kind of coming to terms with making music and releasing my own music and playing new shows. Usually there aren't a lot of photographers all the time and there aren't carpets and stuff like that where you have to worry about being perfect, especially here at Coachella.

“Everyone is having a good time – less is more here,” Moretti added.

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They had a good time, indeed. Moretti was joined by her longtime friend Katy Perry, who wore a Moretti-branded concert T-shirt adorned with an illustration of a woman wearing a bikini with pepperoni pizza slices as bra cups. “I created merch for the very first time – I had to do it because it was a very important opportunity for me,” Moretti said. “I made a bikini T-shirt. Those bikini T-shirts you buy like in Venice Beach, California. It's like a warm body. I gave him huge t-shirts because I never had them.

mia moretti, katy perry, pizza bikini shirt

Mia Moretti, left, and Katy Perry on April 14 at the 2024 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.

Although locations change as Moretti explores creating his own music, most recently an EP with DJ Minx, his goals remain the same.

“For a lot of people, my job is to take their minds off their day, whatever their job, their family, their stress, and just have a good time. Sometimes those are big shoes to fill,” Moretti explained. “If you're in a funk or having a bad day…now it's like, let's dust off whatever's been lingering, and start fresh here. We're at the party now, and stuff that brings energy and spreads it.




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