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17 Sustainable Fashion Brands Vogue Editors Love

17 Sustainable Fashion Brands Vogue Editors Love
17 Sustainable Fashion Brands Vogue Editors Love


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To celebrate Earth Month, we've highlighted brands that are putting eco-friendly practices at the forefront of their business. Yes, the notion of sustainable fashion often seems like an oxymoron, but several designers wisely share their know-how with the world. Some take a timeless approach that encourages shoppers to buy better, while others prioritize technological advancements that reduce excess water use or greenhouse gas emissions created during the production process.

Of course, the fashion industry as a whole has a lot of work to do, but here are some of our favorite brands dedicated to making lasting change.

The list of sustainable fashion brands


For sustainably made knitwear, I like what circular label Herd does: it uses fully traceable Bluefaced Leicester sheep's wool, which it sources from farmers in the North West of England, then processes it into yarn at manufacturers within a 150-mile radius to maintain a small travel footprint. The yarn is then either blended to create a natural shade or dyed using plant extracts. Even buttons are made from walnuts!Talia Abbas, Senior Buying Editor

Maria McManus

Maria McManus

long-sleeve mesh polo shirt

Maria McManus is one of those designers who not only talks the talk about sustainability efforts, but actually walks the walk. Every season I look forward to hearing what she has to say at the end of her shows. If you follow her on Instagram, not only will you fall in love with her sophisticated and eco-friendly designs, but she keeps us all up to date on the advancements in clean energy as well as plastic consumption through the country.Alexis Bennett, senior business editor

Gabriela Hearst

Gabriela Hearst

Adolphine organic silk voile and velvet long dress

Since Gabriela Hearst founded her eponymous brand in 2015, sustainability has been integrated into her approach, with the designer being one of the first to champion unsold materials on the runways. I have long loved the brand's feminine and artisanal creations, which are often created in partnership with artisans. Emily Chan, Senior Sustainability and Features Editor.



Service straight pants

One of my favorite shows in Copenhagen last season was Mfpen. Although the clothes are made from deadstock and recycled fabrics, recycled fibers, and other natural materials, that's not even the coolest part. The show's soundtrack was a mix of punk rock and heavy metal. There were girls in ties and lots of pieces that make you want to take a look at the men's clothing section. Madeline Fass, Shopping Market Editor.

Jean ELV

Whether it's regenerative agriculture or reworking dead fabric, there's a lot of sustainable innovation happening in the denim industry right now. ELV's Anna Foster has been a pioneer in upcycling since launching her brand in 2022. All of her pieces are cut new from hand-sourced older denim, making each pair completely unique. Talia Abbas, purchasing editor

Mara Hoffmann

I've been a fan of Mara Hoffman for a long time, before sustainability was a pillar of the brand, and the work Hoffam has done over the years to minimize the brand's negative impact on the planet is beyond impressive. These efforts have come alongside an expansion of the brand's size ranges, which I also appreciate and admire. I spend a lot of time thinking about this particular dress.Leah Faye Cooper, Digital Style Director


DL1961 features an eco-friendly manufacturing process using responsibly sourced and recycled cotton to make jeans in a factory powered by solar panels. Some knitwear is even made from fibers from discarded plastic bottles. (And this is just me summarizing. You can see their detailed page on sustainability practices. here.) Personally, I'm a big fan of their Hepburn jeans, especially in eggshell.Elise Taylor, Seniors Writer

the hill road

the hill road

x Ugg Goldenglow platform sandal

I love Collina Strada. Hillary Taymour's approach to design is always thoughtful and thoughtful without abandoning a good old-fashioned sense of fun and a bit of chaos. I'm currently obsessed with these platform sandals made in collaboration with Ugg. This is a kind of vegan leather that combines plant materials and recycled polyester. I can think of a million things I would wear them with. Laia Garcia-Furtado, fashion editor-in-chief


I was just making necklaces with my friends from recycled rhinestone balloon strings at a fun ShopBop party that Azéeput it on my radar and I thought of designer Kevin Germanier. We bonded over a fun project a few years ago and he's always cooking up something interesting and lasting. Formerly a junior designer at Louis Vuitton, he now presents his collections in Paris with pieces often handmade (like his grandmother's knitwear!) and made with recycled materials like these. gold And silver star bags made from recycled plastic beads. Arden Fanning, Beauty Editor at Large

Nia Thomas

There are so many reasons why I love Nia Thomas' clothes, but one of the best things about the brand is that all of its knits are sustainably produced in New York, Mexico, and Peru. Nia has a zero waste approach and sells some of my favorite resort clothing to date. During the warmer months, I find myself grabbing my Nia Thomas pieces more than anything else in my closet, so I can't wait for spring and summer to really make an appearance.Taylor Lashley, Social Media Manager

Explore other sustainable brands below:

Stella McCartney has become the benchmark for responsible luxury creations. From slightly baggy suits to practical, everyday handbags that aren't made of leather or fur, McCartney has always thought about fashion's broader impact on the world.

With a focus on creating clothing that aligns with their values, the Another Tomorrows collection includes timeless pieces that can be worn for years and years to come. What better ? The label prioritizes the use of responsibly grown and ethically sourced materials.

Marine Serre continues to lead the pack of sustainable Parisian labels to know. Since its launch in 2017, the label has proven that upcycled materials can be produced with exceptional quality. The infectious designs have caught the attention of several stars, from Beyoncé to Kendall Jenner.

Technologies that enable increased production of upcycled designs are at the forefront of Bettters' business model. Turn to the brand for undeniably cool suits with a modern twist.

Here's a sneaker brand that's built its label (and cult following) around the importance of transparency. A quick look at all the products on the brand's website and you'll see information on every detail of the composition of the insoles, which are often made from sugar cane and recycled materials.

Bite has made its mission clear since its launch in 2016. The acronym name stands for By Independent Thinkers for Environmental Progress. And founders Veronika Kant and William Lundgren prove that sustainable, minimalist designs don't have to be boring, with stylish, playful prints and modern details.

For unique pieces made from deadstock, turn to Central Saint Martins graduate Conner Ives. Her expertly recycled vintage pieces are reshaping the fashion industry and count Rihanna as a fan.




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