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Meg Ryan, 62, looks radiant in an elegant black evening dress as she attends the 68th RNE Sant Jordi Awards in Barcelona.

Meg Ryan, 62, looks radiant in an elegant black evening dress as she attends the 68th RNE Sant Jordi Awards in Barcelona.


Meg Ryan added a touch of Hollywood glamor to proceedings at the 68th edition of the RNE Sant Jordi Awards in Barcelona on Wednesday evening.

The famous actress, 62, attracted attention in an elegant black evening dress as she walked the red carpet at the event organized annually by the Catalan branch of Spanish public broadcaster Radio Nacional de Espaa.

She completed the look with a pair of matching black sandals, while her tousled blonde bob was styled with a conventional center part.

His latest film What Happens Later, released in 2023, marked Ryan's return to the big screen after an eight-year absence.

She co-starred with X Files star David Duchovny, 63, and also served as co-writer and director of the film.

Meg Ryan added a touch of Hollywood glamor to proceedings at the 68th edition of the RNE Sant Jordi Awards in Barcelona on Wednesday evening.

Meg Ryan added a touch of Hollywood glamor to proceedings at the 68th edition of the RNE Sant Jordi Awards in Barcelona on Wednesday evening.

The famous actress attracted attention in an elegant black evening dress as she walked the red carpet at the event.

The famous actress attracted attention in an elegant black evening dress as she walked the red carpet at the event.

Her previous film was Ithaca, released in 2015, which she also co-wrote, directed and starred in, with her son Jack playing a role in the film.

Ryan shares Jack, 31, with her ex-husband, actor Dennis Quaid, 70, whom she was married to from 1991 to 2001. She is also the mother of Daisy True Ryan, 20, whom she adopted in 2006.

The actress recently opened up about her “giant break from Hollywood – after her starring roles in When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle.”

“I took a giant break because I felt like there were so many other aspects of my experience as a human being that I wanted to expand on,” she said. People.

“It’s good to think of it as a job and not a lifestyle. And it's a great way to find my way.

In conversation with Carol Burnett for Interview magazine, she pulled back the curtain on the process of making her new film.

“Actually, the easiest part was playing the role,” she said. “I want to direct again just so I can sit in the chair, because I'm sure there are a lot of things I missed.”

The performer also said: “I haven't played a role in a long time, but it was fun with David.” [Duchovny].'

Ryan flashed a peace sign as she greeted onlookers during her latest public appearance

Ryan flashed a peace sign as she greeted onlookers during her latest public appearance

She completed the look with a pair of matching black sandals, while her tousled blonde bob was styled in a conventional center part.

She completed the look with a pair of matching black sandals, while her tousled blonde bob was styled in a conventional center part.

She added: “A lot of it was done in two shots. I'm proud of it. I organized everything in advance so that once we got there, it would just be David and I trying to tell the truth.

Ryan explained that the film's DIY process was “really deliberate” – and made on a budget of $3 million.

“It had to be done very quickly. Many of these extras weren't even ours, they were real people, she said. “We went back to post and created the same palette for everyone. There are a lot of things you can do digitally now, thank goodness.

Ryan rose to fame in the 1980s, playing female love interests in hit films such as Top Gun and When Harry Met Sally.

Over the years, she has become inextricably identified with romantic comedies, with her best-known roles including Sleepless In Seattle and You've Got Mail.

The RNE Sant Jordi Awards are awarded each year by the Catalan branch of the Spanish public radio station Radio Nacional de Espaa.

The RNE Sant Jordi Awards are awarded each year by the Catalan branch of the Spanish public radio station Radio Nacional de Espaa.

What Happens Later, released in 2023, marked Ryan's return to the screen after an eight-year absence.  She co-starred with David Duchovny and directed and co-wrote the film

What Happens Later, released in 2023, marked Ryan's return to the screen after an eight-year absence. She co-starred with David Duchovny and directed and co-wrote the film

Ryan is best known for her leading roles in romantic comedies of the 1980s and 1990s;  seen in a still from City Of Angels (1998)

Ryan is best known for her leading roles in romantic comedies of the 1980s and 1990s; seen in a still from City Of Angels (1998)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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