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Critics call Meghan Markle's fashion choice an obvious royal 'snub'

Critics call Meghan Markle's fashion choice an obvious royal 'snub'
Critics call Meghan Markle's fashion choice an obvious royal 'snub'


This outfit couldn't outsmart the internet.

Meghan Markle sparked online debate after wearing designer dress ironically named 'Windsor' during his recent trip to Nigeria.

Online sleuths didn't miss the connection between the name of the powder pink Heidi Merrick dress style and the British royal household that Markle, 42, and her husband Prince Harry, 39, infamously left in 2020 .

While some wondered if this was a subtle nod to the House of Windsor, others saw it as an affront.

The ironic name of Meghan Markle's dress has sparked an online debate. AFOLABI SOTUNDE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
Some people on social media saw the fashion choice as a snub, while others thought it was just a coincidence. P.A.

But they tried to completely erase the Windsors from their lives, but here comes Mrs. Sussex wearing a dress called Windsor, haha!! a person commented.

Made like a snub. DEFINITELY another royal follower added.

“Meghan Markle is desperate to have links to the Windsor name” wrote another.

“His strategic marriage and non-strategic decisions since then have backfired. As if a dress bearing this name gave her a legitimacy that continues to elude her!

The couple, who are visiting Nigeria for the first time following an invitation from the army, began their trip with a visit to the Lightway Academy school. AFOLABI SOTUNDE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Others attributed the Duchess of Sussex's outfit to mere coincidence.

“Honestly, I think people read too much into this stuff” another woman wrote about X.

“She's wearing a dress and so it's a secret message? Maybe she just liked the dress.

The three-day African visit follows Prince Harry's return trip to his country to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games. AFOLABI SOTUNDE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

The tiered silk number with cutout back detail is now sold out — but cost a whopping $1,350 when it was in stock, according to the designer's website.

The “Suits” alum donned the maxi dress while visiting a school Friday with Prince Harry.

The couple were invited to Nigeria by the West African country's chief of defense staff – its most senior military officer.

They met at Heathrow Airport on Thursday following another head-scratching decision from Markle.

She opted not to join her husband for a quick trip back to London to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, which the prince founded to help injured and ill service members and veterans.




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