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Google I/O stage set for Pixel AI to advance smartphones

Google I/O stage set for Pixel AI to advance smartphones


Google's Pixel smartphones have long dominated the field of artificial intelligence, culminating in next-level features in last year's Pixel 8, but the debut of generative AI on other smartphones has also put the competition at risk. is intensifying. At Google I/O 2024, the company is set to unveil its next suite of AI features that will likely set the standard for other mobile devices.

Google needs to continue leading the way in AI with the standout features of its Pixel smartphone series. Magic Eraser and new Best Take features have defined how the company's phones stand out in a crowded mobile market, but other advancements include handsets using Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chips and Galaxy AI It sprouted in Samsung's lineup using . In his I/O keynote this week, he said Google must step out of its AI comfort zone and introduce tools and features that advance AI on the go.

Google's photo-focused AI features have traditionally given Pixel phones an edge, but other phones go beyond the camera. The Samsung Galaxy S24 series debuts with generative AI capabilities that can translate in-person and text conversations in real-time. Even “Circle to Search”, which allows users to search online by tapping something on the screen, quickly migrated from the Pixel 8 to Samsung's new 2024 flagship device.

Read more: AI showdown: Samsung's Galaxy S24 AI tools compare to Google, Apple

With generative AI capabilities coming to competing smartphones, Google I/O is the perfect opportunity for the company to reveal how it will maintain its lead in AI.

DJ on stage at Google I/O 2023.

Tharon Green/CNET What AI capabilities are coming to I/O?

Google hasn't hinted at what's coming at Google I/O 2024, but we expect to see updates on all major products in its lineup. At I/O last year, Google talked about his PaLM 2 large-scale language model for developers, hinted at the next generation LLM Gemini, and explained how the Bard chatbot is integrated into Docs, Slides, and other products. I explained how it would be supported. There were no details on how the AI ​​would be incorporated into the device, specifically his Pixel smartphone.

Without knowing Google's plans, we can only speculate about which AI capabilities Google should invest in. It makes sense for the search giant to follow Circle to Search and introduce new generative AI capabilities that are similarly derived from existing software products. Perhaps, like Nvidia's document search ChatRTX chatbot, Google might introduce the ability to parse compressed Google Drive. With Maps, AI will be able to more intuitively suggest routes and stops based on your habits and schedule via Google Calendar.

Google may be taking inspiration from generative AI tricks launched on phones powered by Tensor's rival mobile chips. For example, Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 can use “on-device personalization” to provide suggestions with inputs from your location, fitness, and activity habits. Imagine the same thing happening on your Pixel phone, but with personalization coming from your Gmail, Google Maps, and search history. Galaxy AI's Note Assist feature creates AI-generated note summaries to easily parse and analyze Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides files.

The AI ​​results generated in Google searches can be a springboard for other features that provide simple answers to complex questions. Given that smartphones have access to local and cloud-based files, location, and behavior, we could have a better version of a personal assistant. You can ask your phone to find passwords for streaming services hidden in Google Docs, or tell you the best time to leave for work so you can stop at your favorite breakfast drive-thru on the way. .

Google Pixel 6's Tensor chipset.

Screenshot by CNET What are the benefits of Google's hardware?

In 2021, starting with the Pixel 6's Magic Eraser feature that removes unwanted elements in photos, AI features in the Pixel phone line now leverage Google-designed Tensor chipsets. While the features of some versions trickle down to older devices that predate Tensor, the latest and most dynamic AI tricks only apply to devices using Google's silicon.

This trickle-down of updates is one of the most appealing perks for the Pixel series, the latest of which promises an industry-leading seven years of software updates. Unless Google changes the hardware requirements for his AI features, precedent dictates that new features debuting on his latest Pixel smartphones will quickly revert to older Tensor smartphones.

As Qualcomm and MediaTek release chips that power smartphones with generative AI capabilities, and sharing tools like Circle to Search are released for multiple platforms, Google has created a truly unique piece of hardware for its Pixel smartphones. We're putting a lot of effort into enhancing the AI ​​experience. The stage is set for Google to once again lead the mobile phone market with AI-enhanced software, but rivals are following in its footsteps.

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Pixel perfection: A rare look at how Google is testing Pixel's camera See all photos

Editor's note: CNET used an AI engine to create dozens of stories and label them accordingly. The notes you are reading are attached to articles that substantively cover the topic of AI, all written by professional editors and writers. Please see our AI Policy for more information.




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