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Husband Behind Viral Dress That Broke the Internet Admits to Strangling His Wife

Husband Behind Viral Dress That Broke the Internet Admits to Strangling His Wife
Husband Behind Viral Dress That Broke the Internet Admits to Strangling His Wife


The man behind the white/gold-blue/black dress that broke the Internet has pleaded guilty to endangering his wife's life and admitted to strangling her.

Keir Johnston, 38, appeared at the High Court in Glasgow on Thursday, where he pleaded guilty to a terrifying attack on his wife, Grace Johnston, which left her fearing for her life but alive, according toThe daily record.

Johnston, from the island of Colonsay off the west coast of Scotland, was remanded in custody until his sentencing next month, scheduled for June 6.

Johnston received global attention for #TheDress after an image of her mother-in-law's dress from her 2015 wedding was shared online by a guest at the event.

The debate over the true colors of the dresses – black and blue or white and gold – raged on the Internet, making headlines of the time, and sparking thousands of comments, including from celebrities. Reality TV star Kim Kardashian said she had an argument about it with her then-husband Kanye West.

The photo of the dress posted on social media divided opinions on whether it was white/gold or black/blue. (Swiked / Tumblr)

Ellen DeGeneres invited the Johnstons to her talk show, where they received $10,000 and a trip to Grenada.

This week the Scottish court heard that, behind closed doors, Johnston left his wife fearing for her life and had a history of domestic violence towards her.

Crown prosecutor Chris MacIntosh told Lady Drummond and the court how Grace lived in fear of her abusive husband: The record reported. “There is no permanent police presence on the island and she felt trapped,” he said.

The court heard that Ms Johnston once refused her husband's requests not to attend a job interview on the mainland. A few days later, he told her he was leaving her before the couple had an altercation during which Johnston grabbed his wife and threw her to the ground.

“Johnston woke up and told her he was going to leave her. She came out of the property to stop him from leaving. He followed her and tackled her to the ground,” Mr Macintosh said, according to The record.

Keir Johnston, left, admitting strangling his wife Grace Johnston, right, during a hearing at the High Court in Glasgow on Thursday. (TheEllenShow/YouTube)

He placed both of her knees on her arms, so that she could not move. He then began to strangle her with both hands.

“At first she was able to scream and feared for her life and thought Johnston was planning to kill her as he was very forceful.” Mr Macintosh said despite serious bruising, Ms Johnston did not require medical attention.

Johnston's lawyers said he accepted responsibility for the assault.

By The record, Lady Drummond refused Johnston bail and remanded him in custody, telling him: “I don’t need to tell you that this is a serious and violent offense.

“You strangled her, injured her and put her life in danger on several occasions in circumstances which must have been absolutely terrifying for her. “I am afraid, Mr Johnston, that your status has now changed, you have been found guilty of 'a very serious crime. and you will be remanded in custody in the meantime.

It is unclear whether the Johnstons separated following the incident.




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